Kain Highwind - Final Fantasy Wiki
Kain Highwind is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He is a Dragoon from the kingdom of Baron and is Cecil Harvey's childhood friend. He has feelings for Cecil's beloved, Rosa Farrell, but he hides them …
Final Fantasy III characters
The following is a list of characters from Final Fantasy III. King Argus Mrs. Cid Dahn Delilah Doctor Shelco Fellows King Gorn Elder Homak Legendary Smith Nina Noah Salina King Sasune Takka Topapa Warriors of the Dark ... - Exdeath - Four Fiends - Fran - Gabranth - Galuf Halm Baldesion - Gilgamesh - Iroha - Jessie - Kain Highwind - Kefka ...
Jump (ability) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Jump is Kain's special ability. It has a Charge Time of 5. When used, a hidden status of the same name is applied, and lasts until Kain has landed. The SNES version includes a bug where a number of spells and scripted events behave oddly when Kain …
Kain - Final Fantasy Wiki - Neoseeker
Kain is a playable character representing Final Fantasy IV. He can be acquired by completing the Final Fantasy IV dungeon Mist Cave (Classic) for the first time. Kain's Memory Crystal can be...
最终幻想3(Final Fantasy III)(FF3) - ffsky.cn
[ff3图文攻略(04)]使命觉醒 [ff3图文攻略(05)]火之水晶 [ff3图文攻略(06)]对战哈因 [ff3图文攻略(07)]水之巫女 [ff3图文攻略(08)]黄金公馆 [ff3图文攻略(09)]鹦鹉螺号 [ff3图文攻略(10)]大魔道师 [ff3图文攻略(11)]无敌巨舰 [ff3图文攻略(12)]制造钥匙 [ff3图文攻略(13)]顶级召唤
Kain Highwind - Villains Wiki
Kain Highwind is the lord captain of the Dragoons and a secondary antagonist in Final Fantasy IV. Falling under the control by the wizard Golbez, Kain turns against and opposes his good friend Cecil. However, over time, he would overcome all of the brainwashing attempts and became a true ally of Cecil. He was voiced by Liam O'Brien.
Final Fantasy III (1990) - MobyGames
2002年9月29日 · Final Fantasy III is the third Final Fantasy game for the NES platform. It was the last Final Fantasy game that does not use the ATB (active time battle) system (until it was removed again in Final Fantasy X). The turn-based battle engine has been improved: if the enemy is defeated, the next character will automatically switch to another enemy ...
Kain Highwind | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Commander Kain Highwind, also known as the Hooded Man before his identity is revealed in The After Years, is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He is a Dragoon from the kingdom of Baron, Cecil Harvey's childhood friend …
Final Fantasy IV: 30th anniversary - Nintendo Classics
2021年11月23日 · Kain is infamous for falling prey to the villain Golbez's mind control and betraying Cecil and friends! Rosa is the stereotypical female white mage. Cecil's supportive girlfriend and kidnap victim (of course), she uses a bow and arrow, which reminds me of the ranger class from FF3, which also had access to low-level white magic.
Kain's Lance (Dragoon Lance) - Final Fantasy XIII - Guides
A detailed breakdown of the statistics and upgrade information for the Kain's Lance (Dragoon Lance) weapon in Final Fantasy XIII (FF13, FFXIII, PlayStation 3, PS3, Xbox 360), including information on how to obtain or create it