Monk (Final Fantasy III) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
The Monk is a job class in Final Fantasy III. It is gained from the Wind Crystal. Monks are highly proficient in the martial arts. Although they are only able to equip claws and knuckles, they are highly adept at using their bare hands in combat. Armor selection is also limited.
When to go unarmed w/ Monk - Final Fantasy III - GameFAQs
Monk isn't that strong, really. If you've got the hellish claws and such, then you should be able to get the last batch of jobs. You should just switch over to Black Belt. Bring more souls,...
Ugh, does the Monk turn out to be worth it? - Final Fantasy III
2016年3月19日 · personally, i've never found monks to be all that useful, and black belts only good for the 9999 hp thing. i've always kept luneth on my single-enemy damager (warrior, knight, dragoon, ninja) arc...
Monk - Final Fantasy III (Famicom) - Guides
The Monk is a very no-frills attacker. By level 7 or 8 they should be attacking unarmed, making twice as many attacks as any other Class. Their Defense is nothing to write home about, but they deal plenty of damage.
最终幻想3(Final Fantasy III)(FF3) - ffsky.cn
2017年5月9日 · 可以装备的武器有魔剑、投射武器(圆月轮)、诸神黄昏(ff3是暗黑属性,ff4改成圣属性)。 防具方面基本上是专用的,主要是恶魔系列、源氏系列,只有魔剑士和忍者能装备,其他职业能装备的防具,魔剑士大多不能装备,少数例外情况是水晶系列、缎带等。
Monk... when does it get good? - Final Fantasy III - GameFAQs
Monk damage is far more dependant on Job level than other classes. Thieves gain extra hits for every few Job levels, but their damage per hit is dependant on their level and weapons. Monk also...
Monk (job) - Final Fantasy Wiki
The Monk (モンク, Monku?), also known as Black Belt and abbreviated as MNK (モ, Mo?), is a job class in many Final Fantasy games. Being one of the first jobs introduced in the series, Monks serve a damage-dealing role in combat, opting to attack foes bare-handed. The Monk almost always serves as one...
Final Fantasy III/Jobs - StrategyWiki
2024年7月24日 · Monks wear light armor, but they pack a hefty physical punch to make up for their low armor. This job can counter-attack with Retaliate if hit by a physical attack, which also makes them take less damage similarly to guarding. However, Monks can be replaced with Black Belts, who basically mirror Monks but have better stats. Both give high HP.
Monk - Wind Crystal - Jobs | Final Fantasy III - Gamer Guides
The monk is the traditional bare-fisted fighter. Without some of the end-game claws, you’re better off equipping nothing for highest attack power (that’s what “bare fists” means). The special Retaliate ability allows a Monk to take a hit and the counter back for double the damage.
Monk (FFIII) - Final Fantasy Wiki - Neoseeker
2013年4月28日 · Monk is a job class in Final Fantasy III. Monks are highly proficient in the martial arts. Although they are unable to equip most types of weapons, they are highly adept at using their bare...