Cid Pollendina - Final Fantasy Wiki
Cid Pollendina is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV and its sequel, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He is a master engineer who designs the airships that make up the Red Wings in Baron. He is an old acquaintance of Cecil Harvey and is adventurous and fun-loving.
Cid - Final Fantasy IV Guide - IGN
An engineer in charge of Baron's powerful airforce, Cid is a master airship creator and is also responsible for the various airship upgrades that happen throughout the game, allowing you to get...
So is Cid thoroughly useless?!?! - Final Fantasy IV - GameFAQs
yes, Cid does have a bit of an accuracy problem since he wields a hammer, and the free libra ability is suck on a stick but when he connects he does pretty respectable damage. he also has good HP...
技师Cid-最终幻想4(Final Fantasy IV)(FF4)-FFSKY天幻网专题 …
巴伦空军力量之中坚是红翼舰队,总指挥セシル (Cecil)镇定地站在飞空艇甲板中间位置,从容地指挥着舰队。 セシル与他的舰队遵照王国命令,从米西迪亚村抢回一块拥有非凡力量的水晶。 凯旋后面对巴伦国王,セシル质疑此次任务的目的,认为从无辜的村民手上夺取水晶是一件很不光彩的事,结果却被国王撤销了赤翼舰队舰长的职务。 为了证明自己对巴伦王国的忠诚,他不得不接受了国王的另一个任务,护送一个包裹去雾之村,杀死雾之村的幻兽。 然而,当セシル到达雾之 …
《 最终幻想Ⅱ 》的Cid正式以 NPC 登场,是被飞空艇的魅力所吸引而辞去王国白骑士职位的一个怪人。游戏中Cid会高价出租自己的飞空艇给主角们使用,后期当他被敌人杀掉后,总算无偿把飞空船给了主角们。
Cid Pollendina - Final Fantasy Wiki - Neoseeker
2013年3月14日 · Cid Pollendina is a playable character in the game Final Fantasy IV. He is a master engineer, and he designs the airships that make up the Red Wings in Baron. He is thus an old acquaintance of...
Cid - Final Fantasy IV Characters - Caves of Narshe
Cid is Baron's Chief Engineer, the mastermind behind airship technology. He lives in Baron with his daughter, building airships for the king, and is quite fond of Cecil.
シド・ポレンディーナ | FF4攻略・解析 (SFC/ピクセルリマスター)
ファイナルファンタジー4(FF4)の攻略・解析情報、データまとめ。 SFC/VC/ピクセルリマスター版に対応。 シドのコマンド(調べる)や成長値について調査.
Cid - Final Fantasy Wiki
In the Dawn of Souls and later remakes, Cid shows up in the city of Machanon, a city in the afterlife. Cid Haze is a creator of airships on the floating continent, from the village of Canaan. He transforms the sailing ship into an airship and later helps save the Light Warriors from Xande.
RPGClassics.com - FFIV Character Profiles: Cid
Cid. Cid Pollendina is the genius behind the miracle of the airship and builds them out of his loyalty to the king. A friend of Cecil, Cid learns of Golbeze and avoids a similar fate of those in the kingdom to join Cecil in his rebellion.
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