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    Fenrir (Final Fantasy VII) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom

    • The emblem
      Cloud wears an emblem on his shoulder pauldron known as either the Fenrir or the Cloudy Wolf in merchandise, although in spin-off a… 展开

    Other Appearances

    Dissidia Final Fantasy / Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
    The Fenrir is Cloud Strife's ultimate weapon, which offers +69 ATK, Wall RushHP Damage +30% with minor Sneak Attack Effect. Th… 展开

    Non-final Fantasy Guest Appearances

    Kingdom Hearts II
    Tifa Lockhart gives Sora a Keyblade called Fenrir after he defeats Sephiroth. This weapon is the only Keyblade modeled after a modern-day key, a motorcycle key specifically. It ha… 展开


    A special edition PlayStation 3 bundle was released in Japan along with Advent Children Complete and a copy of the Final Fantasy XIII demo. It features the Fenrir badge on the cover of the games console. The "Cloudy Wol… 展开

    Etymology and Symbolism

    [view · edit · purge]In Norse mythology, Fenriris the Great Wolf or wilderness god. Fenrir is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda and Heimskringl… 展开