FFC与FPC连接器的常用类型和区分 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ffc连接器是属于 柔性扁平电缆连接器 。 由一种 PET绝缘材料 和极薄的镀锡扁平铜线为主料,再通过高科技自动化设备生产线压合而成的新型数据线缆。
Flexible flat cable - Wikipedia
Flat Flexible Cable (FFC) refers to any variety of electrical cable that is both flat and flexible, with flat solid conductors. A flexible flat cable is a type of flexible electronics. However, the term FFC usually refers to the extremely thin flat cable often found in high-density electronic applications like laptops and cell phones.
FFC & FPC 差異及應用 - 文章資訊 - 鼎掄實業有限公司
FFC (Flexible Flat Cable) 軟性扁平排線 : 它是一種用PET絕緣材料和極薄的鍍錫扁平銅線,通過高科技自動化設備生產線壓合而成, 一般廠商有半成品可依客戶長度、 PIN 數裁切 , 接觸點分上接、下接和直接焊接等方式。
What is the Pitch on a FFC Cable? | Quadrangle Products Inc.
The pitch is the distance measured between the center of one conductor to the center of the neighboring conductor on an FFC. Some of the common measurements you might see in relation to a cable’s pitch include 0.5mm, 1.0mm and 1.25mm, although custom cables can be made with variable pitch length.
How to know the Pitch of FPC /FFC Ribbon Cable? - Robu.in
2020年10月29日 · The article covers calculating the pitch of the FFC/FPC ribbon cable. If you are looking to replace the FFC/FPC cable or finding one to which will perfectly fit your desired connector, the Pitch requirement is very important.
FFC 1.0 Pitch | 禾昌興業股份有限公司 - P-TWO
由導體絕緣層補強板所組成. 2. 具備各種UL 等級認證. 3. 間距 0.5 &1.0 &1.25mm. 4. 間距 0.5mm 可選用0.32mm導體. 5. 電鍍規格: 錫 & 金. 6. 各種導體規格供選用. 7. 滿足 ROSH 及無鹵要求. 1. 成本低可取代軟性印刷電路板. 2. 各種UL 等級認證可選用. 3. 可用於直接焊接印刷電路板的應用. 4. 增加高PIN數使用時搭接的信賴性. 5. 穩定的接觸特性. 6. 滿足耐電流需求. 7. 滿足相關物質管制規定. 1. 絕緣層 : PET 膜塗佈具有阻燃特性的熱塑型樹脂. 2. 導體 : 銅導線. 3. 補強板: PET 膜塗 …
簡述FPC FFC及選用注意事項 - 方格子 vocus
2024年9月12日 · FFC/FPC 必須注意金手指的 pitch (金手指間的相對距離)。 FPC的銅層材質分成兩種,請機構設計工程師學員特別注意。 電解銅 (簡稱ED,Electro Deposit copper)。 所謂的電解銅,顧名思義就是利用電鍍 (或濺鍍)的方式把銅箔鋪陳形成厚度,它的結構比較鬆散,所以電解銅在應用上,通常會被使用在 靜態 的零件,比如說,兩片固定PCBA的電器連接,固定的系統和主機板的電器溝通、.....等等。 壓延銅 (簡稱RA, Rolled & Annealed copper)。
FFC / FPC Connectors - Molex
Molex's Easy-On FFC/FPC Connecters are available with a wide variety of features to promote design flexibility. Among such features are pitch sizes that range from 0.20 to 2.00mm, circuit sizes from 2 to 96, actuator types that include front flip, back flip, slider, One-Touch and LIF, in a right-angle or vertical orientation.
认识连接器:FFC/FPC 连接器 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
FFC 连接器 用于在线对板应用中将带状扁平柔性电缆 (FFC) 配接到 PCB 电路。 它们还提供电缆到电缆配置。 这些连接器具有高密度、非常窄的外形尺寸,适合狭小的空间。 它们通常用于消费类应用,如笔记本电脑、相机、计算机外围设备、电器和电话。 单排或双排连接器外壳通常由柔性塑料、聚合物、工程橡胶或薄膜制成,围绕着嵌入式金属连接器。 提供多种锁定样式。 FPC 连接器将柔性印刷电缆 (FPC) 连接到电路板。 FPC是一种FFC,其中导体印刷在电缆基板上 …
Flexible Flat Cable - SCONDAR
The pitch of an FFC cable, which refers to the distance between adjacent conductors, is a crucial parameter in its design and application. Common pitches include: 0.5mm : This pitch is suitable for high-density connections, often found in compact electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and other small gadgets where space is at a premium.