feature-flags-co/ffc-react-client-sdk - GitHub
In addition to its own bundled types, the React SDK uses types from ffc-js-client-side-sdk. If you use Typescript and you need to use ffc-js-client-side-sdk types, you can install the ffc-js-client-side-sdk package as a dev dependency. You can then import the types you want directly from ffc-js-client-side-sdk.
feature-flags-co/ffc-js-client-side-sdk - GitHub
We will document all the methods available in this SDK, and detail how they work. Be aware, this is a client side SDK, it is intended for use in a single-user context, which can be mobile, desktop or embeded applications.
feature-flags-co/ffc-react-client-sdk-demo - GitHub
This project is an example of how to use the ffc-react-client-sdk. It is built based on the React official tutorial tic tac toe game. You can use one of the two ways to initialize the ffc-react-client-sdk: Using the asyncWithFfcProvider function; Using the withFfcProvider function
ffc-js-client-side-sdk - npm
We will document all the methods available in this SDK, and detail how they work. Be aware, this is a client side SDK, it is intended for use in a single-user context, which can be mobile, desktop or embeded applications.
高性能自动驾驶芯片,16nm FFC Automotive工艺 ... - CSDN博客
2024年4月1日 · ffc与pyop2在高性能有限元计算中的应用研究 本文介绍了一种自动化工具链,它能够从高级规范生成适用于多核和通用图形处理单元(GPGPU)平台的 高性能 有限元求解器。
piwheels - ffc-server-python-sdk
ffc-server-python-sdk. A Python Server SDK for featureflag.co project. Installation. In a virtualenv (see these instructions if you need to create one): pip3 install ffc-server-python-sdk
OAK-FFC系列产品上手指南 - CSDN博客
此外,Factor Perception SDK还提供了从传感器坐标系到机器人本体坐标系的自动转换,使得机器人开发者可以直接获取base_link的位姿和速度信息,极大地简化了开发流程。
Fast Fourier convolution (FFC)--快速傅里叶卷积 - CSDN博客
2024年6月30日 · 论文“Rethinking Fast Fourier Convolution in Image Inpainting”通过提出无偏快速傅里叶卷积模块,成功解决了传统FFC在图像修复中的不足。通过一系列创新的技术改进,UFFC在纹理捕捉和图像
ffc-react-client-sdk - npm.io
In addition to its own bundled types, the React SDK uses types from ffc-js-client-side-sdk. If you use Typescript and you need to use ffc-js-client-side-sdk types, you can install the ffc-js-client-side-sdk package as a dev dependency. You can then import the types you want directly from ffc-js-client-side-sdk.
feature-flags-co/ffc-go-sdk: Go SDK - GitHub
It is intended for use in a multiple-users Go server applications. This SDK has two main purposes: Sends feature flags usage, and custom events for the insights and A/B/n testing. We use …
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