assembly - Where in the NASM spec is the syntax FFFFh for …
Nov 25, 2022 · Does this answer your question (the linked question is about MASM not NASM but they support similar syntax for hex constants)? How do I write letter-initiated hexadecimal …
How I can write at a location FFFF0H in assembly?
Dec 25, 2016 · Note The address range 0F0000h - 0FFFFFh is read only. The true story is that it is set read-only by the firmware upon startup after the shadow copy of the BIOS has been …
assembly - How does 0FFFFh equal -1? - Stack Overflow
May 27, 2022 · mov ax, 0ffffh inc ax inc ax Was watching a video on basic Intel X86 Assembly. I thought 0FFFFH was 65535 but in the video they got -1 instead (before the inc instructions …
hex - hexadecimal converting back into decimal - Stack Overflow
Jul 26, 2013 · My book says the hexadecimal notation FFFF equals 65535 in decimal value. As I understand it that equals to 2^16. There are a couple of things I still don't fully understand. 1) …
x86 - If the segment address is greater than F000H ... - Stack …
Aug 11, 2017 · In the book "The Intel Microprocessors" by Barry B. Brey, I have seen that if the segment address is FFFFH, A20 pin is enabled while adding offset to the segment address. …
How to calculate capacity of a memory by given a range of address?
Jan 1, 2013 · A central memory composed by two memory module (RAM).the total address range attributed to the central memory is: FROM 0000 0000H TO 3FFF FFFFH 1/Give the total …
Two's complement; 0FFFh positive, 0FFFFh negative?
From the book, Art of Assembly, I copy this quote: In the two’s complement system, the H.O. bit of a number is a sign bit. If the H.O. bit is zero, the number is positive; if the H.O. bit is one, ...
assembly - Decrementing ax - Stack Overflow
Oct 9, 2016 · FFFFh qualifies, because if you were to add one, it would make the rightmost F into a 0, and the one would carry to the next, etc. Your answer would be 10000h, which does not fit …
MASM for 8086, symbol not defined: ffh - Stack Overflow
Mar 15, 2017 · ax will store upto ffffh that is if you add two number in ax which will give result greater than ffffh (65535 in decimal number) then carry will contains the msb digit. ex: mov …
How to calculate size of memory by given a range of address?
In your example for Range 1, you are correct. That is the size of the memory, stated in hexidecimal, in bytes. You may gain the most insight by first converting 00FF FFFF to a …