USS Constellation (FFG-62) - Wikipedia
USS Constellation (FFG-62) [1] will be the lead ship of the Constellation class of guided-missile frigates [5] and the fifth ship in the United States Navy bearing this name. She is named in honor of the first USS Constellation , one of the original six frigates of the United States Navy, which was named for the constellation of stars on the ...
Constellation-class frigate - Wikipedia
In October 2020, Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite announced the first FFG(X) frigate would be named USS Constellation (FFG-62). [43] In December 2020, Secretary Braithwaite announced that the second ship of the class will be named USS Congress (FFG-63).
Constellation Class - FFG > United States Navy > Displayy-FactFiles
2024年1月31日 · The Constellation-Class Guided-Missile Frigate (FFG 62) represents the Navy’s next generation small surface combatant.
The FFG(X) will be a highly capable and survivable multi-mission platform designed for operations in blue water and the littoral environments. The platform will be able to conduct independent operations or as part of a Carrier/Expeditionary Strike Groups or
Navy Constellation FFG-62 Class Frigate Program: Background …
FFG-62 class ships in FY2020, and a total of six have been procured through FY2024. The Navy’s proposed FY2025 budget requests $1,170.4 millio. (i.e., about $1.2 billion) for the …
FFG(X)星座級飛彈巡防艦(1) - mdc.idv.tw
2020年5月1日 · FFG(X)的FRAM模型由美國海軍海上系統司令部(Naval Sea Systems Command)的無人與小型水面船艦專案辦公室(PEO Unmanned and Small Combatants)的飛彈巡防艦項目辦公室整備工作組(FFG Program Office Readiness Working Group,PMS 515L)負責,研發與測試工作由美國海軍水面艦作戰中心 ...
Constellation class FFG Guided Missile Frigate US Navy - Seaforces
On 7 October 2020, Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite announced the first FFG (X) frigate would be named USS Constellation (FFG-62). On 2 December 2020, Secretary Braithwaite announced that the second ship of the class will be named USS Congress (FFG-63).
2 天之前 · 美国海军在2017年7月的美国国防部信息请求(rfi)中宣布了ffg(x)护卫舰项目。ffg(x)在英文中的意思是“具体设计待定的导弹护卫舰”。随后,该项目首舰舷号确定为ffg-62,项目也随之更名为ffg-62项目。2020年10月7日,美国海军宣布将ffg-62护卫舰命名为“星座 ...
FFG (X)需具备良好感测、目标获得、电子作战与报搜集能力,可透过本感测装备以及搭载的载人直升机、无人载具来搜集资讯,形成一个区域性的战场感知网路,可独自建立完整的周边战场态势图像,并能作为整个舰队战术网路的信息搜集闸道口,透过作战网路与舰队其他成员分享战术情资;舰上配备先进的软/硬杀系统、诱饵系统等来确保船舰在战场威胁之下存活。 美国海军也特别强调新护卫舰配合搭载、操作各型无人载具的能力,能进入高风险、高威胁环境并有效生存与作 …
2017年7月11日,美国海军海上系统司令部发布招标编号:N0002418R2300的《RFI: FFG(X) - US Navy Guided Missile Frigate Replacement Program》,即“FFG(X)美国海军导弹护卫舰替换项目”。 该项目希望竞标方能…