Arhitectural drawing Levels: FFL vs SFL vs SSL - Archinect
2020年1月15日 · Correct me if Iam wrong, FFL refers to the level at the top surface of floor finish. This is where all the building element finish levels are referenced from. SFL refers to the level at the top surface of the floor screeding or concrete topping. While SSL refers to the level at the top surface of the structural slab.
【第184期】立面图在尺寸标注上标有“FFL”和“AFFL”分别代表什 …
AFFL 是Above Finished Floor Level的缩写,是高于竣工地面标高的意思,在立面图上就是本层地面完成面到天花的高度。 这个可以有两级就像图纸上那样:天花完成面最低点是2600mm,最高点是2900mm。 还有一种就是在有降板的情况下,用负数来表示降板的高度,例如上图的卫生间降板10mm就可以表示为“-0.010”,这里是表示低于地面完成面10mm。 还有降板这种情况也可以在地面完成面标注的基础上向下标尺寸。 今天的问答就到这里,欢迎你的留言补充. 积极参与留言、 …
Levels on drawings - Mekel
If the levels may be confused with other numbers or symbols on the drawing, such as room numbers or dimensions, you should use the prefix RL (reduced level) or FFL (finished floor level) as per the following example. There are three methods you can use to indicate levels on plan views, as follows. Job datum level.
Understanding Floor Levels - archisoup
2024年2月12日 · Floor Finish Level (FFL), sometimes referred to as Finished Floor Level, is a term used in the building and architectural industry to indicate the final level or height of a floor surface once all the construction work is done and the different layers of …
施工图里面的代号FFL指的是什么 - 百度知道
FFL:竣工地板标高. 中文全称:竣工地板标高. 英文全称:Finished Floor Level. 英文缩写:FFL. 建筑地面标高分为二种:一是正负零地面的相对标高,另外一种是绝对标高。比如在相对标高正负零下绝对标高是8米,一层层高是4.5米,那么相对标高是4.5米,绝对标高则 ...
Floor plan abbreviations and symbols - BUILD
To help make things a bit easier, we’ve put together a cheat sheet to explain many of the more common abbreviations and symbols: Job datum level – indicates the altitude at a specific point, relative to a universal reference point known as a ‘ datum ‘. Fall / drainage – arrow points downwards, towards floor waste / drain.
Symbols and Abbreviations for Leveling: NGL, FGL, FFL, RL, BS,
2023年6月30日 · FFL: Finished Floor Level - It denotes the final level of a finished floor surface in a building or structure. 4. RL: Reduced Level - It is a measurement that indicates the vertical height or elevation of a point relative to a specified reference point or benchmark.
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