Patch 5.5 Checklist : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2021年4月13日 · The Cloud Deck (EX) can be unlocked after questline at (X:11.5 Y:22.5) Continue Dark Apocalypse Questline: Kholusia (X:34.7 Y:18.2) This unlocks The Tower at Paradigm's Breach 24-man alliance raid
Where to unlock: Patch 5.5 : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2021年4月12日 · Quest "Fantastic Mr. Faux" @ Painfully Ishgardian Man - Idyllshire (X:7.0 Y:5.9) Shadowbringers trial mount collector reward. Where to unlock: Warmachina Fanatic - The Lochs (X:11.5 Y:22.5) Requirements: must have obtained the Fae Gwiber, Innocent Gwiber, Shadow Gwiber, Ruby Gwiber, Gwiber of Light, Emerald Gwiber, and Diamond Gwiber mounts
Patch 6.5 Checklist : r/ffxiv - Reddit
A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now!
(Spoilers) Patch 5.4 MSQ/sidequest discussion megathread
2020年12月8日 · For example, I personally liked Patch 5.1 quite a lot, where you just talked with old friends from Shadowbringers and there was no major disaster or villain right after 5.0 ended. Perhaps I just had wrong kind of expectations for 5.4. it was the first Pre-pre-expansion Patch (X.4) I played on launch day and I kind of expected it to be at least ...
5.3 MSQ is PERFECTION : r/ffxiv - Reddit
It's one of the only reasons I have high expectations for 6.0. After 5.0 I was like, 'idk how they're going to keep meeting this level of quality.' Then we got 5.3. I'm still scared - part of why 5.0 was so great was we weren't still dealing with tired old 'grand company/Eorzea/those places in SB we don't care about' stuff.
[Spoiler - Patch 5.4] All Known Tower Locations : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2020年12月20日 · A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime.
7.0 Unreal 5 Engine Update : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2022年2月5日 · That is taking FFXIV’s character creator and adding more customization options. Migrating 21 data enters filled with applications, servers and databases takes 5 years for a company on average. FFXIV technically has one game with …
Enjoy FINAL FANTASY XIV in 5.1ch Surround Sound! - Square Enix
2012年3月15日 · FINAL FANTASY XIV is a MMORPG that players can enjoy in 5.1ch surround sound. Please take this opportunity to experience the 5.1ch surround sound for yourself! There are two major ways to output the 5.1ch through the PC: Connect through analog output Connect through digital output Connect through analog output
Endgame Gear & Content Guide for Fresh 80s [Patch 5.3] : r/ffxiv
2020年9月7日 · FFXIV operates on a ~4 month patch cycle with even patches (5.0, 5.2, 5.4) offering a higher ilvl cap and odd patches (5.1, 5.3, 5.5) being "catch-up" patches with alternate paths to said ilvl cap. Your average ilvl is like a gear score in other games - a rough estimate of how geared you are for harder content compared to fresh Level 80s who ...
Stuttering with ffxiv since the 5.5 update : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2021年6月9日 · Ever since the 5.5 update I've been getting these micro stutter issues every like 1-2 minutes. When this happens it basically makes my whole pc freeze for half a second. It resets my headset output (so it really sucks when raiding). I've got the lastest nvidia drivers and I've even completely uninstalled the game and reinstalled.