No Loot From Boss - Blizzard Support
Customer support cannot grant loot and cannot reset dungeon or raid lockouts to make your character become eligible. Loot Chance When you kill a monster or boss, you are guaranteed to receive gold. An item is usually not guaranteed in any monster or boss.
Didn't Receive LFR Loot - Blizzard Support
Wrong Item Level Gear from Raid. Information about item level drops in The World Within. Can't Queue for Previous Expansion LFR. Information about how to queue for previous expansion raids on LFR difficulty. Didn't Receive Timewarped Relic Coffer Key. Information about Timewarped Relic Coffer Keys
Didn't Receive Loot Due to Full Inventory - Blizzard Support
Common Problems. Couldn't loot an item because my bags were full; I won a roll and didn't receive the loot because my inventory was full
Character Transfer Information and Restrictions - Blizzard Support
Raid lockouts transfer with your character. You cannot continue mythic raids started prior to a transfer; If your character's name is taken on the destination realm, you will be asked to rename your character at no extra cost. This is applicable when you transfer a character to another WoW account while remaining in the same realm
Unable to Gain Renown from Liberation of Undermine Raid
Information about BoE items obtained from the Liberation of Undermine raid becoming soulbound after putting the item up for auction. Perky Pug Missing. Can't find Perky Pug despite having the achievement, Looking For Multitudes
Battle.net Account Country/Region Change - Blizzard Support
You can change the country/region on your Battle.net account by using our country change self-service.If you are unable to do so, submit a legible image of a recent utility bill or related document with your name and new address for manual review.
Undermine BoE on Auction House Became Soulbound
Information about BoE items obtained from the Liberation of Undermine raid becoming soulbound after putting the item up for auction.
World of Warcraft Item Restoration - Blizzard Support - Battle.net
Find what you lost. After selecting your character, we'll show you a list of items your character vendored, destroyed, or disenchanted.
Missing Floating Combat Text - Blizzard Support
To enable floating combat text for healing, use the following command in your in-game text box:
Cannot Enter Raid Instance - Blizzard Support
Raid lockouts limit the number of times a character can kill a boss in a week with a chance at obtaining loot. Whenever you join a raid instance in progress, a pop-up will appear and detail: What lockout system the instance is set to; If you will get immediately saved or not; How many bosses have been killed already