Someone explain what does FA/FG mean? - 8th Generation Honda …
2014年1月31日 · FG2 is the code for the U.S. coupe, FA5 is the code for the U.S. sedan. FG/FA are just short for FG2 and FA5. FN2 is (I think) a European/Australian Civic, FD2 is the Japanese I believe, I don't really know those codes so don't quote me on that.
FG1 and FG2 - 8th Generation Honda Civic Forum
2008年5月21日 · FG1 and FG2 Jump to Latest 48K views 14 replies 13 participants last post by 26291 Feb 22, 2018
FG2 vs. FA5 - 8th Generation Honda Civic Forum
2009年4月26日 · I love my fg2 but im not gonna lie, the fa5, aesthetically is a bit more appealing. Also keep in mind the fg2 has a shorter wheelbase. The 60-80 lbs diff in weight is another reason why i went with the fg2. I have never driven an fg2 but have read it doesnt feel as go kartish as the fg2. If you plan to do any sort of autox then go with an fg2.
FG2 - FD2 Comparison Info | 8th Generation Honda Civic Forum
2008年3月31日 · Can anyone point me in the direction of a detailed thread or article that breaks down the exact differences between the domestic 06+ Civic SI Coupe (FG2) and the 07+ JDM Civic Type R (FD2). I am particularly interested in the differences in engine configuration: cams, intake, exhaust, etc. and suspension setup.
FG2 vs FG1 - own both - 8th Generation Honda Civic Forum
2008年1月2日 · I just bought a NHBP FG1 LX manual transmission Friday night (for the wifel). After a weekend of fighting my wife for the keys I happily report that the car retains 90% of the driving dynamics of FG2. I is an absolute joy to drive. The clutch is lighter, the brake feel is a little mushier, the suspension a little softer, but the "feel" is all ...
new to this...fg2?fa5? | 8th Generation Honda Civic Forum
2008年5月22日 · ^ regular 2 door civic is FG1 2 door Si is FG2 regular 4 door civic is FA1 4 door Si is FA5 . G3N1AR34D ...
FG2, FA4,...WTF does it all mean? | 8th Generation Honda Civic …
2008年12月18日 · We’re a community for 8th Gen 2006 - 2011 Civic owners to discuss performance mods, body kits, Si models, turbo kits and accessories.
Favorite Body Kits FG2 ONLY - 8th Generation Honda Civic Forum
2008年8月7日 · Whats everyones Favorite Body Kits for the FG2. (No Mugen, no JDM, No Fa5 kits) I will have the HFP kit on it when i buy mine but curious what kits people think look best on the Si Coupe or Flow best with it..
Streetable Track Setup FG2 - 08 si - 8th Generation Honda Civic …
2014年3月12日 · We’re a community for 8th Gen 2006 - 2011 Civic owners to discuss performance mods, body kits, Si models, turbo kits and accessories. Come Join the club! Show Less
Doesn't FG2 mean... | 8th Generation Honda Civic Forum
2007年7月8日 · FG2= 2006 - 2007 Civic SI coupe FA1= 2006 - 2007 Civic Sedan (non-SI) FA3= 2006 - 2007 civic Sedan Hybrid ...