Gorgon - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
A stage that is on the verge of a complete metamorphosis from a goddess to the behemoth・monster "Gorgon" and, originally, is not something that would be summoned as a Servant ---an existence that might already be called the queen of magical beasts.
Gorgon - TYPE-MOON Wiki
GorgonWP (ゴルゴンWP, Gorugon?), Class Name Avenger (アヴェンジャー, Avenjā?), is an Avenger-class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. The youngest of the Gorgon...
Gorgon | Fate Grand Order Wiki - GamePress
Gorgon is a Servant of irregular origins, a monster who is not supposed to exist, and her kit reflects this fact. The monstrous aspect of Medusa possesses good offensive potential, coming with an extraordinarily high ATK stat, the Avenger class’ 1.1x damage modifier, as well as increased critical damage and NP gain from her passive skills.
Gorgon | Servants - Fate/Grand Order Wiki - GamePress
Gorgon is a Servant of irregular origins, a monster who is not supposed to exist, and her kit reflects this fact. The monstrous aspect of Medusa possesses good offensive potential, coming with an extraordinarily high ATK stat, the Avenger class’ 1.1x damage modifier, as well as increased critical damage and NP gain from her passive skills.
戈耳工 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
2025年1月23日 · ギリシャ神話におけるゴルゴン三姉妹の三女。 本来の真名はメドゥーサ。 呪わしき成長のなれの果て。 怪物の性質が著しく強調された状態。 本来はサーヴァントとして召喚されない。 ───最早、魔獣の女王とでも呼ぶべき存在。 身高/体重:172+? cm·57+? kg. 就会具备相当的身高以及体重数值。 身長/体重:172+? ㎝・57+? kg. 相当の身長数値および体重数値となる。 原本应该是人类的威胁。 但依然需要小心对待。 一旦掉以轻心,就算御主也 …
Gorgon (Enemy) - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
For playable 4 ★ , see Gorgon. Death Rate: Death Rate: Chance of the this enemy being killed by the 'Instant-Kill' effect, lower numbers are difficult to kill them. Crit Chance: Crit Chance: Chance to critical on attack. (怪力 A+?? Increases own attack by 50% for 1 turn. (変転の魔 B?? Grants self revive with 3,000 HP for 1 time, 5 turns.
戈耳工(游戏《Fate/Grand Order》中的4星Avenger)_百度百科
原文:自己封印・暗黒神殿(ブレーカー・ゴルゴーン、Breaker Gorgon),等级:C+,种类:对人宝具,范围:0,最大捕捉:1人。 某种结界宝具。 平时的美杜莎通过对自己使用这宝具来将魔眼封印起来。
No.147 戈爾貢 | Fate/Grand Order 中文 Wiki | Fandom
女神から完全な魔物・怪物「ゴルゴーン」へと完全に変成する寸前の段階であり、本来はサーヴァントとして召喚されない。 ───最早、魔獣の女王とでも呼ぶべき存在。 The youngest of the Gorgon Sisters that appears in Greek Mythology. Her original true name is 美杜莎. The mere shadow of a cursed growth. A condition in which, due some factor, the monster disposition that is her foundation (original) was considerably emphasized.
Rabbit's Reviews #173: Gorgon (4* Avenger) - Fate / Grand Order
Gorgon’s NP is an AoE Buster NP with an Interlude on a high-attack servant with a Mana Burst, meaning it’ll do a decent job at wave-clearing. It also gives a party NP refund, which can...
Fate Grand Order | Should You Summon Gorgon - Servant Review
FGO Servant Spotlight for Gorgon, the monster version of the goddess Medusa. Summoned as an Avenger class servant, does this twisted deity from Greek mytholo...