Jason's portrayal in FGO : r/grandorder - Reddit
2019年8月5日 · In FGO, Jason is known as, in Herc's words, the most human man he ever knew. Jason had big dreams, but over the course of the story grew more heartless and made many sacrifices to gain the throne of his homeland.
Jason's Servant Profile from Fate/Grand Order material IX
The more righteous Jason's position in battle is, the more he gets his crewmates' approval, increasing the number of attacks. Conversely, if his position is clearly villainous, a surprising amount of people will be absent from the ship (skipping the …
This has been a really big year for you Jason - Reddit
2019年12月21日 · Jason is a functional person with a level of maturity, but lacks sensitivity to the people around him. The irony is that the man with the charisma to make everyone go on this journey, sucks at reading the room and his interactions with his comrades.
Jason is the best looper : r/grandorder - Reddit
2022年7月5日 · Don't listen to those fishes. Ore sa- I mean heracles is the best! And saber jason as free np5 2+4+4+4 stars servant is peak of fgo design. Easy to 10/10/10 skills 10/10/10 append skills lvl.120 2000/2000 2000/2000. This jason saber guy. Is a monster in disguise. (Also because it's features Heracles.)
Jason's interlude translation : r/grandorder - Reddit
2022年9月28日 · Jason's nature to escape peril through gambits was an extraordinarily bad matchup for the always logical and rational Odysseus. In that sense, even summoned as a Servant it might be difficult for him to live the life of glory he always wanted.
isn't jason kinda broken in a grail war setting?? - Reddit
And that's only for the 3 coming into FGO. If we add Asclepius, the Dioscuris, Caenis, Theseus, Peleus, and the forty remaining heroes (including several demigods if I remember it correctly) who come if the situation suits them (read: if the master and Jason are not total assholes), this is one of the best Noble Phantasm.
Jason's animations : r/grandorder - Reddit
I don't know how any can deny that Jason has the best animations in the game LOL This is FGO's peak. It's only going downhill from here on out. How do you top Herc throwing Jason like a baseball, him bouncing off the enemy, and then going into his battle stance, acting like he's an isekai MC hero?
Discussion on Jason's/The Argo's powers work : r/grandorder
2024年1月6日 · So I just had discussion with someone about what we or aleast what I myself consider Jason's powers to be, and what I understand about them from my perspective, so I felt like what better way to get checked and have a discussion about this then Reddit...So here's my attempt on explaining FGO Jason's power from my point of view: First: It's not Jason's power but the Argo's power that he himself ...
Jason could be a ridiculously strong Rider Servant. - Reddit
2018年8月26日 · Honestly some nps can completely carry a servant just because they are that good like for example gate does for Gil. the base servant container for rider is actually pretty decent for a servant known for many possible nps so Jason might be strong just because he has fancy tools cause alot of riders especially ship based ones are carryed by their nps.
Jason look waaaay more heroic in myth, than in our FGO’s ... - Reddit
2019年8月27日 · It is this opportunity however that allows Jason to favorably meet with Chalciope, Medea's sister, who in turn introduces him to Medea and gives a favorable announcement, which led towards Jason attempting to openly treat with king Aeetes for the fleece, rather than attempt to steal it (which was the initial task, and what he eventually ended ...