法兰克福平面 - 百度百科
法兰克福平面(Frankfurt horizontal plane),简称FH平面。 它是研究工作中常用的标准平面。 这个平面是德国人类学家提出的,并通过1877年 颅骨测量 会议及1884年法兰克福国际人种学会议而被采用的。
颅面评估必知概念:法兰克福平面(FHP) - 网易
2021年8月21日 · 从此,刚才所说的由眼耳三点确定的平面,便被称为法兰克福平面(Frankfort Horizontal Plane),或眼耳平面。 在人体测量学、牙科、整形外科等多个医学领域中,法兰克福平面这个定义一直被沿用至今。
FRANKFORT HORIZONTAL PLANE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of FRANKFORT HORIZONTAL PLANE is a plane used in craniometry that is determined the highest point on the upper margin of the opening of each external auditory canal and the low point on the lower margin of the left orbit and that is used to orient a human skull or head usually so that the plane is horizontal —called also eye-ear ...
眼耳平面 - A+医学百科
眼耳平面(Ohr-Augen-Ebene),又称法兰克福平面(Frankfurt horizontal plane),简称FH平面。 它是 人类学 研究工作中常用的标准平面。 这个平面是德国人类学家提出的,并通过1877年 颅骨 测量会议及1884年法兰克福国际 人种 学会议而被采用的。
Frankfort horizontal plane is an appropriate three-dimensinal …
The FH plane R and FH plane L are the most appropriate horizontal reference plane in evaluation of occlusal cant on 3D-CT. Keywords: Facial asymmetry, Cephalometry, Three-dimensional computed tomography
Cephalometric Analysis - ukdentalexams.com
2025年1月31日 · FH Plane (Frankfurt Horizontal Plane): Drawn from Porion to Orbitale. Named in the Frankfurt Conference on Anthropology in the late 19th century. SN Plane (Sella-Nasion Plane): Represents the anterior cranial base and remains stable after age 6-7 years. However, endpoint drift can cause errors.
Three-dimensional Frankfort horizontal plane for 3D …
2017年9月7日 · To assess the reproducibility of landmarks in three dimensions that determine the Frankfort horizontal plane (FH) as well as two new landmarks, and to evaluate the angular differences of newly introduced planes to the FH.
学习头影测量3——头影测量平面 | 赵瑜敏的口腔医学专业学习博客
1.软组织面平面(facial plane of soft tissue),又称T线,是指软组织鼻根点(Ns.)到软组织颏前点(Pos.)的连线。 2.审美平面(Ricketts esthetic plane):是指鼻顶点(Prn.)至软组织颏前点(Pos.)的连线,也称E线。
Introduction: The purpose of the study is to determine reliability of true horizontal (TH) plane with Frankfort horizontal (FH) plane in cephalometric measurements. Materials and methods: One hundred lateral cephalograms were collected and traced using FACAD software, all cephalometric
Frankfort Horizontal Plane - Otoscape
2022年10月28日 · The Frankfort horizontal plane is defined as a line drawn between the inferior orbital rim and the supratragal notch (otherwise known as the tragion). 1 It is used to standardize pre-operative photos for facial plastic surgery.