FHC – Neural microTargeting Worldwide
5 天之前 · FHC's next generation neuromodulation targeting system made to meet your precise clinical and research requirements. Our products are used in various therapies such as deep brain stimulation, ablation, resection, and for movement disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease, Epilepsy, Dystonia, and Essential Tremor.
DBS – FHC - fh-co.com
1201 Main St. Bowdoin, ME USA 04287. Fax: 207-666-8292. Phone: 207-666-8190. US & Canada: 1-800-326-2905
WayPoint™ Navigator Software – FHC
dbs: WayPoint Navigator is a dynamic stereotactic planning and guidance system that advances and personalizes care for patients with neurodegenerative disorders. The system is used to accurately position tools used for deep brain stimulation (DBS), stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG), and laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT).
Accuracy Evaluation Of microTargeting™ Platforms For Deep-Brain ...
Deep-brain-stimulation (DBS) surgery requires implanting stimulators at target positions with submillimetric accuracy. Traditional stereotactic frames can provide such accuracy, but a recent innovation called the microTargeting™ Platform (FHC, Inc.) replaces this large, universal frame with a single-use, miniature, custom-designed platform.
【景昱-神经科学专栏】| DBS术中电生理测试能告诉我们什么?
2016年10月25日 · 常用的帕金森病植入电极有四个触点,每个长度为1.5mm,直径为1.27mm,表面积为5.98mm⊃2; ,术中电生理电极(如FHC 22675L)为MER和刺激提供了双重功能,因此其形状更加复杂。
Customized, Miniature Rapid-Prototype Stereotactic Frames for …
The microTargeting™ platform (MTP) stereotaxy system (FHC Inc., Bowdoin, Me., USA) was FDA approved in 2001 utilizing rapid-prototyping technology to create custom platforms for human stereotaxy procedures. It has also been called the STarFix ...
Frameless System for DBS - Pacific Movement Disorders
2020年4月6日 · At Pacific Movement Disorders Center, we are offering DBS surgery using a frameless system called STarFix (FHC, Inc.). This system uses a laser sculpting technology to create a custom-made platform individualized for every patient.
Guideline 5 – FHC - fh-co.com
The Guideline 5 is FHC’s next generation neuromodulation targeting system designed for both clinical and research applications. The system efficiently supports functional neurosurgery programs that address movement disorders, epilepsy, pain, and psychiatric disorders.
2022年11月23日 · DBS electrodes can be inserted using frame based or frameless techniques. Frame based techniques utilize stereotactic frames such as CRW (Cosman- Roberts- Wells) or Leksell frames [1-3]. Frameless techniques utilize various skull-mounted de-vices such as StarFix ™ (FHC, Inc., Bowdoin, ME) which requires im-
Guideline 5
The Guideline 5 is FHC’s next generation neuromodulation targeting system designed for both clinical and research applications. The system efficiently supports functional neurosurgery programs that address movement disorders, epilepsy, pain, and psychiatric disorders.