The Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) application allows multiple clinicians (inter-disciplinary assessment) to complete a FIM assessment and document it in the medical record as a progress note and/or as a response to a consult.
The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scale assesses physical and cognitive disability.1 This scale focuses on the burden of care – that is, the level of disability indicating the burden of caring for them. Items are scored on the level of assistance required for an individual to perform activities of daily living.
Functional Independence Measure (FIM) - Physiopedia
The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) is an instrument that was developed as a measure of disability for a variety of populations and is not specific to any diagnosis. The FIM instrument Includes measures of independence for self-care, including sphincter control, transfers, locomotion, communication, and social cognition.
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The FIM provides valuable information for healthcare providers to develop individualized treatment plans, establish goals, and track progress. The assessment results also help healthcare professionals determine the appropriate level of care and services needed for a patient, including rehabilitation, home health services, or assisted living.
FUNCTIONAL INDEPENDENCE MEASURE TM AND FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT MEASURE Brain Injury Scale: 7 Complete Independence (timely, safely) (Patient Stamp) 6 Modified Independence (extra time, devices)
FIM採点方法 •各項目を1~7点で評価(低1⇔高7) •介助の量によって採点 一人でしているか、介助者を要するか どれぐらいの介助を要するか •実際に「している」状態を評価!! •7点×18項目 =18点(最低点)~126点(最高点)
As the severity of disability changes during rehabilitation, the data generated by the FIM instrument can be used to track such changes and analyze the outcomes of rehabilitation. The FIM instrument includes a seven-level scale that designates major gradations in behavior from dependence to independence.
Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Version 4.0. Buffalo, NY 14214: State University of New York at Buffalo, 1993. * *See also: O'Sullivan & Schmitz, Physical Rehabilitation: Assessment & Treatment (4th ed.). Philadelphia: FA Davis Company, 2001; Chapter I, pp. 5-6 Regarding Assistance: The patient may require m.
Functional Independence Measure (FIMŽ) Instrument ADMISSION DISCHARGE FOLLOW-UP Self-Care A. Eating B. Grooming C. Bathing D. Dressing - Upper Body E. Dressing - Lower Body F. Toileting Sphincter Control G. Bladder Management H. Bowel Management Transfers I. Bed, Chair, Wheelchair J. Toilet
The FIM+FAM is designed for measuring disability in the brain-injured population. The FIM data can be extracted and used on its own, for example when making comparison with populations in which only the FIM is rated. For this reason it is important to score the FIM items as for the stand-alone scale, and the FAM items as an add-on.