Functional Independence Measure (FIM) - Physiopedia
The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) is an instrument that was developed as a measure of disability for a variety of populations and is not specific to any diagnosis. The FIM instrument Includes measures of independence for self-care, including sphincter control, transfers, locomotion, communication, and social cognition.
FIM Tabs provides outlines on the tabs used within the FIM application to enter and send patient information. Tools and Associated Terms describes the various keys used in FIM and provides brief explanations of terms used within FIM application.
The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scale assesses physical and cognitive disability.1 This scale focuses on the burden of care – that is, the level of disability indicating the burden of caring for them. Items are scored on the level of assistance required for an individual to perform activities of daily living.
Functional Independence Measure (FIM) & Example | Free PDF …
The free FIM assessment template provides a cost-effective solution for healthcare professionals who need to evaluate a patient's level of functional independence. This tool allows practitioners to collect data efficiently and track a patient's progress without expensive equipment or software.
Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Version 4.0. Buffalo, NY 14214: State University of New York at Buffalo, 1993. * *See also: O'Sullivan & Schmitz, Physical Rehabilitation: Assessment & Treatment (4th ed.). Philadelphia: FA Davis Company, 2001; Chapter I, pp. 5-6 Regarding Assistance: The patient may require m.
The FIM instrument includes a seven-level scale that designates major gradations in behavior from dependence to independence. This scale rates patients on their
Table 1B Functional Independence Measure (FIM) Levels Scale Level Description 7 Complete independence Fully independent 6 Modified independence Requiring the use of a device but no physical help 5 Supervision Requiring only standby assistance or verbal prompting or help with set-up 4 Minimal assistance Requiring incidental hands-on help only (subject
FUNCTIONAL INDEPENDENCE MEASURE TM AND FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT MEASURE Brain Injury Scale: 7 Complete Independence (timely, safely) (Patient Stamp) 6 Modified Independence (extra time, devices)
Careful documentation will support an accurate FIM Score, identify the actual need for assistance and the type of assistance required by the patient. This careful documentation will therefore assist all rehabilitation team members, and the patient, in planning goals to improve the patient’s functional ability to perform basic ADL’s.
FIM (TM) - tbims.org
4 天之前 · The FIM (TM)* (Guide for the Uniform Data Set for Medical Rehabilitation, 1996) is the most widely accepted functional assessment measure in use in the rehabilitation community. The FIM (TM) is an 18-item ordinal scale, used with all diagnoses within a rehabilitation population.