Williams FJ33 - Wikipedia
The Williams FJ33 is an American family of turbofan jet engines intended for use in very light jet aircraft. The FJ33 is a scaled-down version of the FJ44 engine. The FJ33-5A is the latest version certified in June 2016.
More than 7,500 FJ44 engines are in service, and have accumulated over 19 million hours in flight, and the FJ33-5A, FJ44-1AP, FJ44-3, and FJ44-4 engines are currently in production. This FJ33/FJ44 engine family enables airplane makers to grow their airplane families economically due to common installation, operation, and maintenance across models.
0 - 100kN turbofan - FJ33 - Williams International - 100 - AeroExpo
Williams' low-noise, third-generation wide-sweep fan technology coupled with advanced high work, high efficiency core components results in a high overall pressure ratio that provides light weight and extraordinary cruise fuel economy. The robust, highly reliable FJ33 will help increase the availability of your aircraft.
0-100kN涡轮喷气发动机 - FJ33 - Williams International - AeroExpo
AeroExpo(航空在线展会)为您提供0-100kN涡轮喷气发动机产品详细信息。规格型号:FJ33,公司品牌:Williams International。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选0-100kN涡轮喷气发动机产品和供应商采购信息,尽在AeroExpo。
无人机/巡航导弹用小型涡扇发动机发展和启示 - (国内统一连续出 …
随着对未来先进军用无人机的技术探索,f107、fj44和fj33又陆续被选做相关无人机验证机的动力装置。 Price Induction(现为Akira)公司的DGEN380小型涡扇发动机,号称“世界上最小的齿轮传动风扇发动机”。
FAA Certifies Cirrus Jet’s Williams FJ33-5A Turbofan
2016年6月9日 · Williams International’s new FJ33-5A turbofan engine on Monday was awarded its FAA Part 33 type certificate. The company used what it learned in development of the earlier FJ44-3AP and FJ44-4A...
The Williams International FJ33 is a jet engine designed to power light jets in the 5,000 to 9,000 pounds (2,200 to 4,000 kg) of maximum takeoff weight category. The engine features excellent thrust-to-weight ratio, fuel efficiency, and low acquisition and operating cost developing between 1,000 to1,500-lb of thrust.
威廉姆斯FJ33-5A涡扇发动机出售,总时间145小时,带履历文件, …
威廉姆斯FJ33是美国涡扇喷气发动机系列,旨在用于非常轻型的喷气式飞机。 FJ33是FJ44发动机的缩小版。 FJ33发动机配置为单级风扇,带增压级,由两级LP涡轮驱动,为离心式HP压缩机增压,由单级HP涡轮驱动,采用环形燃烧器。 FJ33-5A是2016年6月认证的最新版本。 FJ33-5A发动机提供超过2000磅的推力,采用威廉姆斯设计的燃油效率、低排放和全权限数字发动机控制技术。 FJ33-5A除了为西锐SF-50七座公务提供动力外,还为波兰正在开发的另一款单引擎轻型喷气式 …
Diamond D-Jet Engine – FJ33-5A - FlyRadius
2012年5月22日 · The Diamond D-Jet will be powered by only one of the FJ33-5A engines with two inlet areas on the wing and the Diamond D-Jet mounted as part of the rear undercarriage. Here are some of the preliminary specifications for the …
Certified: Williams Int'l Improved FJ33-5A | Aero-News Network
2021年7月22日 · The Williams International FJ33-5A engine has been awarded type certification and production certification by the FAA for an improved hot/high thrust rating.
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