Viton ETP®: A New Direction for Chemical-Resistant Rubber
2014年7月3日 · Dupont’s Viton ETP® fluoroelastomer is a peroxide-cured FKM designed for extreme applications. ETP® gives resistance to fuel, solvents, acids, bases and amines, while also providing a good working temperature range of -25’C to 200’C. Viton ETP® is just a polymer base, so compounding of the rubber still applies.
B. ETP密封圈系列 – Wintop Seals
etp 氟橡胶既有普通 fkm 良好的耐高温性能,又具有突出耐化学性能; ETP 氟橡胶在酸类,碳氢化合物和低分子量的酯类,酮类和醛类介质中具有良好的抵抗性能;
Viton™ 产品选择指南 | Viton™ 氟橡胶
Viton™ 氟橡胶主要有四大系列:A、B、F 和 ETP,它们各有其独特的性能特征。 Viton™ 产品系列之间的一个主要区别是基于聚合物氟含量的流体阻力。 这种特性由组成聚合物的特定单体的类型和相对数量所决定。
Viton™ Extreme™ ETP-600S
Viton™ Extreme™ ETP-600S is a copolymer of ethylene, tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), and perfluoromethylvinyl ether (PMVE). This unique combination of monomers provides outstanding resistance to harsh fluids. Viton™ Extreme™ ETP-600S exhibits the same excellent resistance to acids and hydrocarbons typical of A, B, and F types of Viton™ fluoroelastomers.
Viton™ Extreme™ ETP-600S is a copolymer of ethylene, tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), and perfluoromethylvinyl ether (PMVE). This unique combination of monomers provides outstanding resistance to fluids and is an example of an ETP polymer. The ETP types of Viton™ exhibit the same excellent resistance to acids and hydrocarbons
氟橡胶 (FKM, Viton™)-豪欧密封技术有限公司
氟橡胶 (FKM, Viton™)氟橡胶是一种众所周知的高性能橡胶,尤其具备绝佳的耐高温、耐臭氧、耐气候、耐氧化、耐矿物油、耐燃料油、耐液压油、耐芳香族与许多有机溶剂和化学物的性质。
氟橡胶(FKM/FPM)简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
fepm与一般的fkm有很大区别,由于其不同的分子结构,它对碱、胺具有优异的耐久性能。 同时具有耐热性以及电气绝缘性,由于耐蒸汽性较好,所以可用于其他FKM无法使用的用途中。
Viton® ETP - Viton Extreme O-Rings - Marco Rubber
Viton® ETP O-Rings also known as Viton® Extreme O-Rings provide significantly improved chemical resistance compared to standard Viton® A type fluoroelastomers. Viton® ETP is so chemically resistant it can be considered a cost-effective Kalrez® alternative for some applications with temperatures below 400°F.
Viton - Extreme Chemical ETP | Canyon Components
Discover Viton (FKM) ETP, offering exceptional resistance to harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures, ensuring superior performance and durability in demanding environments. Get a quote now!
FKM 碳氟化合物 | GMORS 繼茂橡膠 | O型環、Viton O型環、氟橡 …
fkm 具有極佳的耐高溫,耐油,耐溶劑,耐燃,耐化學腐蝕和耐候性,通常用於汽車,化學加工,航空航天和許多工業領域。 Viton™ GLT 廣泛用於 -40℃ 至 +250℃ 的溫度範圍,並且對航空航天業常用的腐蝕性 HTS 型油具有出色的抵抗力。
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