fl-170 (NOTE: Items 1 through 12 apply to both dissolution and legal separation proceedings.) I declare that if I appeared in court and were sworn, I would testify to the truth of the facts in this declaration.
Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution ... - California …
2020年1月17日 · Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution or Legal Separation (Family Law) (FL-170) Tell the court more about your request to enter a judgment based on an agreement or the default of your spouse or domestic partner.
Finish your divorce in a default - California Courts
Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution or Legal Separation (form FL-170) This form tells the court that you meet the requirements for a default judgment. Judgment (form FL-180) This is the final court order to get a divorce. If you’re asking the court to make any orders about support or property, you will need to attach more forms ...
There are no assets or debts to be disposed of by the court. The community and quasi-community assets and debts are listed on the completed current Property Declaration (form FL-160), which includes an estimate of the value of the assets and debts that I …
FL-170 [Rev. January 1, 2007] DECLARATION FOR DEFAULT OR UNCONTESTED DISSOLUTION or LEGAL SEPARATION (Family Law) a. I in the proposed order. b. a. My gross (before taxes) monthly income is (specify): $ b. Attorney fees should be ordered as set forth in the proposed Judgment (Family Law) (form FL-180). 17. 19. 20. 22. Page 2 of 2 18.
Finish your divorce in a default with agreement | California Courts ...
Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution or Legal Separation (form FL-170) This form tells the court that you meet the requirements for a default judgment. Follow the instructions on the form, you may need to attach other forms to this form.
OR LEGAL SEPARATION (Form FL-170) 1. Print your name, address and phone number at the top of this form. 2. If not filled in for you write “Fresno” after COUNTY OF. The address is: 1130 “O” Street, Fresno, CA 93724- 2201. The Branch Name is: B.F. Sisk Courthouse. 3. Write the name of the petitioner and respondent. The
Dissolution / Legal Separation / Nullity Forms - California
Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution or Legal Separation FL-170* Judgment FL-180 * Forms You Will Need When There is a minor Child of the Marriage:
California FL-170 Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution ...
This California "FL-170 Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution" form is classified as a Default form. This page contains information about what this form is used for and who must file it, as well as links to print or download the form as a PDF.
Superior Court of CA – County of San Joaquin
FORMS NEEDED TO FILE FOR DEFAULT – NO HEARING. There is NO filing fee to file these forms. Please thoroughly read all of the information for the instructions for filing a Default with …