FLAC2D for FLAC 8.1 Users — Itasca Software 9.0 documentation
2025年2月7日 · FLAC2D was developed to provide a consistent experience for users of FLAC2D and FLAC3D. The necessarily means that FLAC2D 9.0 represents a significant change from …
FLAC2D -Itasca 软件
FLAC2D 是一款功能强大且用途广泛的软件工具,专为岩土工程而设计,可帮助工程师和研究人员模拟涉及土壤和岩石力学的复杂二维问题。 凭借其先进的数值建模功能, FLAC2D 采用有限 …
FLAC2D | US Minneapolis - Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
FLAC2D makes model construction easy with interactive tools in Sketch to create the model or import CAD files, automatic meshing, and intuitive boundary skinning. Easily define groups in …
FLAC2D - Itasca Software
Continuum Modeling for Geomechanics in 2D Unlock unparalleled simulation capabilities with intuitive tools designed for precision and efficiency with FLAC2D. Ideal for 2D soil, rock, …
FLAC2D笔记一 - 知乎
首先介绍一下 FLAC2D。 它是 Itasca系列软件 9.0版本新出的, FLAC3D 的2D版本,和此前的FLAC软件是有明显区别的,主要是软件界面、命令流语法等,都继承自FLAC3D,因此 …
FLAC (FLAC2D/FLAC3D) — Itasca Software 9.0 documentation
2025年2月7日 · FLAC3D now has a two-dimensional counterpart: FLAC2D. Some of the rationale for this is explained in the topic FLAC2D for FLAC 8.1 Users. The programs share the same …
Tutorial: Quick Start (FLAC2D) — Itasca Software 9.0 documentation
Usually, 2D models start with building the geometry in Sketch. Choose New ‣ Sketch Set from the content selector in the Sketch workspace. FLAC2D will ask for a name for the new Sketch set. …
FLAC2D笔记二 - 知乎
FLAC2D9.0建模方式主要有两种: 语法与FLAC3D类似,网上资料很多,大家可以参考。 这个工具之前叫Extruder,新版本改成了Sketch(草图),我觉得改名后,更贴切(Extruder? 啥玩 …
Itasca has announced the release of FLAC2D v9
Designed by geoengineers for geoengineers, FLAC2D is designed to provide engineers with an intuitive and robust platform for simulating and analyzing two-dimensional geotechnical and …
浙江中科依泰斯卡岩石工程研发有限公司-FLAC2D - ITASCA
FLAC(Fast Lagrangian Analysis Code)是一款目前岩土体工程领域内应用最为广泛、功能最为强大的连续介质力学专业分析软件之一,该产品高度体现了数学理论与岩土力学理论的有机融 …