FLIR E4│E5│E6│E8热像仪_菲力尔(FLIR)
隆重推出搭载有msx®的新型flir e4、e5、e6和e8红外热像仪。 第一款真正集热成像、可见光成像和MSX成像功能于一身的红外热像仪 现在,您完全能够购买得起这一终极检测工具。
FLIR E6-XT - Commercial Thermal Imaging Camera with WiFi. High ...
2019年4月4日 · FLIR E6-XT is a powerful, cost-effective, easy-to-use troubleshooting tool for building, electrical, and mechanical applications. 240x180 infrared pixels—and the ability to accurately measure temperatures from -20°c to 550°C/-4°f to 1022°F, the E6-XT has models to fit your target size, working distance, visual detail needs, and budget.
FLIR E6 Pro - Commercial Thermal Imaging Camera with Wifi.
Model E6 Pro: Handheld IR camera measures temperatures from -20°C to 550°C (-4°F to 1022°F) FLIR IGNITE CLOUD: Save time by connecting to the cloud for automatically storing, editing and sharing images in FLIR Ignite App. OTA (Over The Air) updates will always keep your camera equipped with the latest features
- 评论数: 238
菲利尔FLIR E6红外热像仪0.06℃热灵敏度 - 深圳格信达科技
菲利尔FLIR E6红外热像仪0.06℃热灵敏度. flir热像仪E6型号是一款真正集热成像、可见光成像和MSX成像功能于一身的红外热像仪,操作比智能手机更简单,对新老热像师而言均是完美之选,代理商深圳格信达现货价格优惠。 红外热像仪 品牌:菲力尔Flir
FLIR E6-XT Handheld Infrared Camera - amazon.com
2022年4月29日 · FLIR E6-XT is a powerful, cost-effective, easy-to-use troubleshooting tool for building, electrical, and mechanical applications. 240x180 infrared pixels—and the ability to accurately measure temperatures from -20°c to 550°C/-4°f to 1022°F, the E6-XT has models to fit your target size, working distance, visual detail needs, and budget.
FLIR E6 Thermal Imager with MSX Technology 160 × 120
The new FLIR E6 thermal camera is designed to enhance the electrical, mechanical, and building diagnostics of users across key industries and professions. The FLIR E6 is an affordable solution that can help professional users track down electrical and mechanical overheating, air leaks, moisture ingress, missing insulation, and a host of other ...
- 评论数: 11
FLIR E6xt IR Camera w/ MSX and WiFi, 240 x 180 Resolution, 9Hz
FLIR E6-XT is the perfect tool for diagnosing electrical, mechanical, and building problems, thanks to its 43.200 (240 × 180) pixel infrared detector and expanded, -20°C to 550°C (-4°F to 1022°F) temperature range.
- 评论数: 4
FLIR E6红外热像仪—红外热像仪网 - jayff.com
可测温度高达+250°c,可检测到低至0.06°c的温差(flir e6 / flir e8系列)。 测量功能 点测温,最高/最低温度的区域,颜色报警;低于设定温度显示蓝色/高于测定温度显示红色*
菲力尔FLIR E6-XT手持红外热像仪技术参数-产品资料/说明书-铤和
2025年3月11日 · 菲力尔FLIR E6-XT手持红外热像仪简单、直观的控制方式,自动调焦和免调焦,可通过清晰的屏幕导航,访问测量工具和设置。 轻松分享图像和结果,下载标准JPEG格式图片,创建报告,并且通过Wi-Fi连接分享发现结果至FLIR Tools移动应用程序。
FLIR E6-XT采用MSX®技术且具有WI-FI功能的红外热像仪
FLIR E6-XT是一款宽温度范围红外热像仪,搭载43,200像素红外探测器,温度范围从-20°C到550°C,适用于电气和建筑问题的快速诊断。配备MSX®图像增强技术和内置WiFi功能,可以连接FLIR Tools移动应用分享图像和报告,适用于多种场景如电气设备维护、设施管道检查等。
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