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FM 3-63.6 Command And Control Of Detainee Operations 2005
2014年12月31日 · conducting detainee operations. The doctrine requires immediate implementation into current and. planned operations for those units assigned the detainee operations mission. This doctrine addresses the command and control problems identified by several. Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring …
of Army Field Manual (FM) 3-63, Detainee Operations, details the responsibilities of leaders by echelon for this important mission, the procedures for the securing, handling, and processing of detainees, and planning guidance for facility construction. These are all important inclusions, but the current publication
It sets forth joint doctrine to govern the activities and performance of the Armed Forces of the United States in operations and provides the doctrinal basis for interagency coordination and for U.S. military involvement in multinational operations.
FMI 3-63.6 discusses command and control of detainee operations and provides a common ground for all units (brigade and above) executing this mission. As a result of recent events and investigations into detainee operations in Iraq, it was determined there was a need to clarify command and control.
ii JP 3-63 or coalition) military command should follow multinational doctrine and procedures ratified by the United States. For doctrine and procedures not ratified by the United States, commanders should evaluate and follow the multinational command’s doctrine and procedures, where applicable and consistent with US law, regulations, and ...
ATP 3-39.30 Security and Mobility Support 21 May 20 A manual that provides Army military police commanders, staffs, and Soldiers at all echelons a foundation for the conduct of security and...
fm3 63.pdf - FM 3-63 DETAINEE OPERATIONS APRIL 2014...
2019年11月18日 · View fm3_63.pdf from MIL ARMY 1700 at Missouri University of Science & Technology. FM 3-63 DETAINEE OPERATIONS APRIL 2014 DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to the DOD and DOD
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In October 2022, Field Manual (FM) 3-0, Operations,1 introduced the Army’s newest operation con-cept—multidomain operations, which includes many new el-ements such as the strategic context,...
Joint Publication JP 3-63 - MilitaryDictionary
Publication JP 3-63 This publication provides guidelines for planning and conducting detainee operations. It outlines responsibilities, discusses organizational options, and provides command and control considerations across the range of military operations.
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