FCM F1 - Wikipedia
The FCM F1 was a French super-heavy tank developed during the late Interbellum by the Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée (FCM) company. Twelve were ordered in 1940 to replace the char 2C, but France was defeated before construction could begin, a wooden mock-up being all that was finished.
FCM F1 | Tank Almanac Wiki | Fandom
The FCM F1 was a French super-heavy tank developed right before WWII. 12 were ordered by the French army in 1940 to replace the aging Char 2C, however a German invasion forced France to surrender. All that was completed was a wooden 1:1 scale model. The tank was very long and tall, with two turrets.
FCM F1 Super Heavy Tank Project - Military Factory
2019年6月26日 · The French FCM F1 (FCM = " Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterranee") was a super heavy tank class vehicle that entered development just prior to World War 2 when signs of conflict became increasingly apparent across Western Europe.
FCM F1 - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年1月5日 · Despite all these reasonable doubts, the FCM F1 tank was approved by the technical commission and a preliminary order was issued to FCM for the construction of 12 such vehicles. The first tank...
Heavyweights — The Monster Super Tanks of World War Two ...
2012年8月2日 · A classic example of generals planning on fighting the previous war, the FCM F1 was designed not to battle other tanks but to roll through First World War-era fixed fortifications. At the war’s outset France hoped to have enough of the tanks ready to break through enemy border defences beyond the Maginot Line and drive right into Nazi Germany.
STM32 FSMC/FMC原理保姆级讲解(一) - CSDN博客
2022年3月27日 · FSMC ( Flexible static memory controller)全称“灵活的静态存储器控制器”,是 STM32中一个很有特色的外设,通过 FSMC,STM32可以通过FSMC与SRAM、ROM、PSRAM、Nor Flash和NandFlash存储器的引脚相连,从而进行数据的交换。 要注意的是,FSMC 只能扩展静态的内存,即名称里面的 S:static,不能是动态的内存,比如 SDRAM 就不能扩展。 既然我们知道FMC是可以方便的跟内存存储,那么到底方便到什么地方了呢? 我们用DRAM做一个最 …
【正点原子STM32】FSMC_FMC——NAND FLASH实验(存储原理、存储结构、坏块管理和磨损均衡、控制命令、FMC …
综上所述,fmc 接口的 nand flash/pc 卡控制器具有灵活的存储配置、多种位宽支持、硬件 ecc 计算、预等待功能等特点,适用于不同的存储器应用场景,并提供了简单易用的地址表示方式。 在 fmc-nand flash 访问中,以下是一些关键的参数及其对应的器件时序参数:
STM32F1的FSMC接口硬件电路设计 - STM32团队 ST意法半导体中 …
2023年2月21日 · FSMC是STM32F1提供的一个静态存储控制器,是MCU用来扩展存储器,可用来驱动SRAM、Nor Flash、NAND Flash。 这里先简单讲解下这三种存储器的应用场合。 首先是SRAM,SRAM是静态随机存储器,SRAM的特性是掉电数据就丢失。 外扩SRAM的主要目的是因为MCU自带的RAM不够用了才选择外扩,这样才能让程序有足够的RAM空间运行,简单理解就是电脑内存小,不能同时开很多个软件,需要再扩内存条后就能同时开很多软件运行。 然后 …
Motorsport - FMC Talent
Engineering and leadership talent for teams at the pinnacle of motor racing. Our clients have their eyes on the prize. We've been working in the motorsports space for the last 20 years, helping some of the most innovative companies in the world who operate across F1, Formula E, IndyCar and other race series.
FCM F1 — Wikipédia
Le FCM F1 est un prototype de char de rupture français de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Dans les années 1920, la France fait usage d'une typologie des chars, classifiés selon leur masse. Les plus de 50 tonnes rejoignent les chars lourds, au-delà de 100 tonnes, les chars super-lourds.