Common Imagery Tasks – FME Support Center
2024年12月6日 · This article will cover common imagery tasks that FME users usually carry out, such as modifying bands, resampling to change resolution, and using pyramiding to downsample an image into multiple layers.
Working with Raster and Imagery Data in FME - FME Support Center
2024年6月13日 · Band: A raster dataset can contain a number of different “layers” known as bands. Another way of looking at this is to say each cell can consist of a number of values. Palette: A palette represents each of the pixels in a raster and lists each of the RGB colors associated with each pixel.
FM (British band) - Wikipedia
FM are a British rock band (referred to as FM UK in North America to avoid confusion with the Canadian progressive rock band FM). They have released fourteen studio albums to date. [1]
Imagery Basics – FME Support Center
2024年11月14日 · Bands can be considered as the layers in a raster dataset. Alternatively, think of each cell as having a number of values (like an FME list attribute). For example, a color raster dataset commonly has three bands: Red, Green, and Blue. There are Red, Green, and Blue layers, or each cell has a value for each band.
Rasters (IFMERaster) - Safe Software
A raster is a rectangular matrix of evenly-spaced cells (sometimes called pixels), arranged in columns and rows. A raster – and therefore its cells – has one or more bands (sometimes called channels or layers). A band’s interpretation determines what range and type of values it can hold. Each cell has one numeric value per band.
FME软件介绍 - 知乎
2025年1月9日 · FME是全球领先的空间数据 ETL 软件,拥有无与伦比的空间数据支持能力,可以快速敏捷对多源异构空间数据进行整合、集成与共享,实现空间数据在不同的系统中自由流动! 1.桌面端软件 FME Form. FME Form是FME软件的桌面应用程序,它提供图形化界面,通过对转换器进行简单地拖拉拽操作,便可敏捷创建自定义的数据转换处理工作流,实现数据的复制、转换、同步、ETL。 FME Form是基于FME软件的一切数据集成解决方案的开始。 2.服务器端软件 …
RasterBandCombiner - Safe Software
The RasterBandCombiner receives groups of raster features with one or more bands, and appends all bands to a single output raster feature. The rasters to be merged must align exactly. They must have the same number of columns and rows, and georeferenced rasters must have the same coordinates.
FME入门系列教程1-FME简介 - CSDN博客
2024年11月5日 · FME(Feature Manipulation Engine) 是一款由Safe Software开发的数据转换和集成 软件。 它提供了一套强大的工具和功能,用于 处理和转换各种不同格式 的 空间数据 和 非空间数据。 FME 的主要功能包括 数据格式转换 、 数据集成 、 数据模型转换 和 数据处理。 它可以 读取 和 写入 多种常见的地理信息系统(GIS)和非GIS格式,如Shapefile、Geodatabase、KML、CSV、Excel等。 同时,FME还支持读取和写入数据库、Web服务、传感器数据、CAD …
FME是一款独特的内置支持定位的数据集成平台,让你能用不同的数据和系统完美地服务于你的组织。 它将全部数据和应用程序连接在一起,可包含325种不同的格式,含有灵活高级数据转换工具、可定制自动化的工作流等等。
RasterBandPropertyExtractor - Safe Software
The RasterBandPropertyExtractor receives raster features, and extracts any existing band and palette properties. The results are added to a new list attribute (because a raster may have multiple bands), and output with the original feature.