FME Downloads - FME by Safe Software
Learn about FME, the no-code solution that integrates all your data seamlessly. Discover why FME is the go-to choice for the transformation, manipulation, and integration of spatial data. Overview; Deployment; Solutions; Demos; Downloads; FME in Action. FME is used around the world and across industries, bringing life to data every day.
FME Desktop 2020(数据转换软件)中文版分享 - 知乎
FME Desktop 2020是一款空间数据转换处理系统,采用先进的数据转换技术,内置几十个转换器,能够满足绝大部分用户的空间数据格式转换功能。 除此之外,该软件基于OpenGIS组织提出的新的数据转换理念“语义转换”,…
Platform - FME by Safe Software
FME is the only platform that connects your data across all data velocities, locations, and types. Get all your data to where it needs to be. Whether it’s ETL, data replication, or synchronization, FME can process it. FME connects thousands of data sources including geospatial, enabling seamless integration.
FME (software) - Wikipedia
FME is considered a comprehensive platform for BIM data exchange and support of spatial data. Reviews indicate it is strong in the analytic, conversion and interoperability areas, flexible in scope, with a strong user community.
FME by Safe Software - The All-Data Platform
We connect it all—from databases, to real-time systems, business platforms, and AI services. Get the most out of your data with FME, the only All-Data, Any-AI Platform that turns everyday data into actionable insights.
2020年2月9日 · FME有以下特点: ‐ 以FME为中心实现超过100 种GIS及CAD空间数据格式,如DWG、DXF、DGN、 ArcInfo Corvage、Shape File、 ArcSDE、Oracle SDO等的相互转换; ‐ 独立地直接浏览各种格式的空间数据,同时浏览图形、属性和坐标数据; ‐ 提供为数据转换进行自定义 …
Home - Safe Software
FME is the only All-Data, Any-AI Platform that helps you take control of your data and make it work for you. Safe Software is the proud creator of FME. When you connect your data, you connect the dots. From databases to real-time to business systems, we connect it all. Put your data – and your time – to better use.
FME2020中文安装图文教程及安装包下载:开启你的数据转换之旅 …
2024年9月20日 · 在数据处理和转换领域,FME(Feature Manipulation Engine)是一款备受推崇的工具,广泛应用于地理信息系统(GIS)、数据集成和数据转换等场景。 为了帮助更多用户顺利安装并使用FME2020,我们特别推出了这份详细的中文安装图文教程及安装包下载服务。 无论你是FME的新手还是经验丰富的用户,这份教程都将为你提供清晰、易懂的指导,确保你能够轻松完成FME2020的安装。 FME2020作为一款强大的数据转换工具,其核心技术包括: 数据格式 …
FME是一款独特的内置支持定位的数据集成平台,让你能用不同的数据和系统完美地服务于你的组织。 它将全部数据和应用程序连接在一起,可包含336种不同的格式,含有灵活高级数据转换工具、可定制自动化的工作流等等。 FME技术确保数据能轻松获取到所需的格式,任务能够更加高效地完成! FME是一款独特的内置支持定位的数据集成平台,让你能用不同的数据和系统完美地服务于你的组织。 它将全部数据和应用程序连接在一起,可包含325种不同的格式,含有灵活高级数 …
GitHub - safesoftware/FMEData: A repository for handling the FMEData …
This repository contains FME Training datasets. Safe Software training material assumes the files and folders within the zip file are extracted to C:\FMEData. The data and workspaces herein relate to FME training, tutorials and demonstrations. If you would like further details on our training sessions, please visit http://www.safe.com/training.
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