FMP G3S - Max Payne Wiki
The FMP G3S is an accurized variant of the German Heckler and Koch G3 battle rifle, manufactured under license by the Portuguese state small arms factory Fábrica de Braço de Prata. Compared to other sniper rifles, it trades raw power and accuracy for...
1989 Manufactured FMP G3 : r/HecklerKoch - Reddit
2021年6月16日 · Here is my 1989 imported Portuguese FMP xg3s. This one was either in customs or in the pars warehouse when the Import ban went into effect given the X in front of the model number. The early ones will all be in Preban import configuration threaded barrels and …
《马克思佩恩3》金枪套件收集位置图文攻略 - 游民星空
2012年7月7日 · 攻至屋顶引发游泳池处枪战的地方,右手边的柜台里取得fmp g3s套件。 Chapter 12:FMP G3S套件(3/3) 触发黑市医生的事件之后,MAX准备将这个鬼地方炸上天的地方,右手边有张陈旧的沙发椅,椅背的地上藏有FMP G3S第三部分套件。
《马克思佩恩3》全线索图文流程攻略 - 游民星空
2012年5月22日 · 剧情后,游泳池场景,拾取旁边的枪,消灭敌人,翻滚到右侧台子后面,角落发现黄金FMP G3S 部件(G12-2-2),全灭外面泳池的敌人。 穿过泳池,空旷场景,首先击毙右侧出现的2名敌人,左转遭遇数名敌人,全灭进入大楼,调查左侧招待台报纸(C12-5),前方门左侧发现破烂钢琴,调查后弹钢琴,缅怀自己的妻子. 3 A- ?3 X7 V4 D过一道门,遇到变态医生,作恶必自毙。 剧情后,废墟场景,最右侧靠边的沙发背后,地面上发现黄金FMP G3S 部件(G12 …
Pars International G3S FMP at Local gun shop | HKPRO Forums
2016年2月25日 · We all come here to drink from the fountain of madness. They had it posted with all the trimmings for $3450. Isn't that a 3rd-4th gen barrel sight? Typically used on msg-90's?
Max Payne 3: Golden Gun Guide - FMP G3S - YouTube
2012年5月16日 · Max Payne 3: Golden Gun Guide - FMP G3S: Max Payne 3 is the head-shaving shooter sequel out on Xbox 360 and PS3 on 18th May and PC on 1st June. Here's our co...
Vollmer 51/XG3S Battle Rifle, Class III/NFA Fully Transferable
Originally manufactured in Portugal as a FMP G3S rifle and imported by PARS International as a semi-automatic rifle, this item was upgraded by Vollmer into a short barreled fully automatic rifle in emulation of the Heckler & Koch "G3K".
Portuguese FMP HK Licensed G3 7.62 Nato Semi Auto Sniper Rifle …
Up for auction is a Portuguese made FMP G3 chambered in 7.62 NATO. this rifle is a Portuguese made licensed copy of the G3 made with tooling provided by HK to the Portuguese military. The date of manufacture according to the markings on the bolt are 4/1995.
2022年7月14日 · G3S semi-automatic rifle manufactured by FMP (Fabrica Militar de Portugal) with HK machinery under license from Heckler & Koch. The left side of the receiver is stamped "G3S FMP 002178" over the date "1/89", with a PARS International import stamp present on …
Difference Between HK91 & G3? - AR15.COM
2005年8月22日 · Most people call it FMP G3. Of course if you want to be correct you want call it by whatever is stamped on the gun, which I believe is either G3, G3S, XG3, or SLR something depending on whome and when it was imported.