eCFR :: 49 CFR 571.104 -- Standard No. 104; Windshield wiping …
§ 571.104 Standard No. 104; Windshield wiping and washing systems. S1. Scope. This standard specifies requirements for windshield wiping and washing systems. S2. Application. This standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses. S3. Definitions.
FMVSS 104, Windshield Wiping and Washing Systems — Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, Trucks, and Buses, specifies that each vehicle shall have a power-driven windshield wiping system with at least two speeds that meets the standard when tested in accordance with SAE Recommended Practice J903a, and a windshield washing
49 CFR § 571.104 - LII / Legal Information Institute
Each vehicle shall have a power-driven windshield wiping system that meets the requirements of S4.1.1. S4.1.1 Frequency. S4.1.1.1 Each windshield wiping system shall have at least two frequencies or speeds. S4.1.1.2 One frequency or speed shall be at least 45 cycles per minute regardless of engine load and engine speed.
Windshield Wiping and Washing Systems. This Standard applies to MPVs, trucks and buses. It specifies speed and area requirements for windshield wiping systems and washer system capability, strength, adverse temperature performance and exposure requirements. Applicability: Read the Complete Standard. Copyright © NTEA. All rights reserved.
FMVSS104中文版 - 百度文库
571.104 标准号 104;挡风玻璃刮水与洗 涤系统 s1. 范围。这一标准给出了对挡风玻璃刮 水与洗涤装置的要求。 s2. 适用。这一标准针对了乘用车、多用 途载客车辆、卡车和公共汽车。 s3. 定义。
FORM 104 Rev. 1/31/2020 VEHICLE INFORMATION / TEST SPECIFICATIONS FMVSS No. 104 1. Provide two full-size reproduced copies of the actual windshield pattern showing areas A, B, and C established as shown in figures 1 and 2 of SAE Recommended Practice J903a, dated May 1966, using angles specified in columns 3 to 6 of Tables I, II, III, or IV as
FMVSS 104 风窗玻璃刮水和洗涤系统 - 道客巴巴
2010年12月27日 · 标准_FMVSS 104 风窗玻璃刮水和洗涤系统后视镜 Windshield wiping and washing systems 星级: 3 页 汽车风窗玻璃刮水器、洗涤器的性能要求及试验方法
2015年7月20日 · The 2015 Kia Soul EV MPV, NHTSA No. C20154200 was subjected to FMVSS No. 104 tests on July 10, 2015. The selected portions of FMVSS No. 104 tests used were as amplified in the following subparagraphs. The test vehicle was positioned in the test system with three water spray nozzles suspended in line with the center of the
2010年美国汽车安全技术法规(FMVSS)目录 - CAAM
CFR第49卷第571部分。 目前共计63项。 此外,CFR第49篇第581部分:“保险杠标准”也常被作为与FMVSS相等同的基本技术法规。
标准_FMVSS 104 风窗玻璃刮水和洗涤系统后视镜 Windshield …
Standard No. 104; Windshield S1. Scope. This standard specifies re-quirements for windshield wiping and washing systems. S2. Application. This standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose pas-senger vehicles, trucks, and buses. S3. Definitions.