49 CFR 571.116 -- Standard No. 116; Motor vehicle brake fluids.
§ 571.116 Standard No. 116; Motor vehicle brake fluids. S1. Scope. This standard specifies requirements for fluids for use in hydraulic brake systems of motor vehicles, containers for these fluids, and labeling of the containers. S2. Purpose.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 116 - Wikipedia
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 116 (FMVSS 116) regulates motor vehicle brake fluids in the United States. Like all other Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS 116 is administered by the United States Department of Transportation 's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
FMVSS 116 specifies requirements for fluids for use in hydraulic brake systems of motor vehicles, containers for these fluids, and labeling of the containers. The purpose of FMVSS 116 is to reduce failures in the hydraulic braking systems of motor vehicles which may occur because of the manufacture or use of improper or contaminated fluid.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Motor Vehicle Brake …
2010年2月3日 · Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 116, Motor Vehicle Brake Fluids (49 CFR 571.116), specifies requirements for fluids for use in hydraulic brake systems of motor vehicles, containers for these fluids, and labeling of the containers.
FMVSS 116 机动车制动液 - 道客巴巴
2010年12月27日 · Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center 49 CFR PART 571 FMVSS No. 116 MOTOR VEHICLE BRAKE FLUIDS Development of Standards No. Revised Issue Date Effective Date Date Presented by JASIC 1995/7/7 1998/6/26 1998/11/1 2005/01/07 2005/06/01 Remarks 1.
This Standard applies to MPVs, trucks, buses, trailers and all fluid for use in hydraulic brake systems of motor vehicles. It specifies stability, viscosity and other properties for fluids for use in hydraulic. brake systems of motor vehicles. Containers for these fluids and container labels must also meet specified requirements. Applicability:
49 CFR 571.116 - Standard No. 116; Motor vehicle brake fluids.
For Federal Register citations affecting § 571.116, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.
FMVSS 116-联邦机动车标准第116号:机动车制动液-国家数字标准馆
FMVSS 116联邦机动车标准第116号:机动车制动液本标准规定了机动车液压制动系统中使用的液体、这些液体的容器以及容器标签的 ...
2019年2月21日 · The purpose of the test was to determine if the production motor vehicle brake fluid supplied by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration met the requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 116 entitled “ Motor Vehicle Brake Fluids .”
49 CFR § 571.116 - Standard No. 116; Motor vehicle brake fluids.
This standard specifies requirements for fluids for use in hydraulic brake systems of motor vehicles, containers for these fluids, and labeling of the containers. S2. Purpose.