eCFR :: 49 CFR 571.202a -- Standard No. 202a; Head restraints ...
§ 571.202a Standard No. 202a; Head restraints; Mandatory applicability begins on September 1, 2009. S1. Purpose and scope. This standard specifies requirements for head restraints to reduce the frequency and severity of neck injury in rear-end and other collisions. S2 Application.
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TP-202aS-01 - NHTSA
2011年1月21日 · FMVSS 202a, Head Restraints, specifies requirements for head restraints to reduce the frequency and severity of neck injury in rear end and other collisions. The standard applies to each front and rear outboard Designated Seating Position (DSP) with a head restraint, and allows head restraints to be tested either dynamically or statically.
法规解读《FMVSS202a Head restraint》 - 懂车帝
2023年4月13日 · 本期文章简单介绍美标《FMSS202a Head restraint》中的技术要求和试验方法。 一共涉及11项技术要求/试验,可以分为“尺寸和静态性能”、“动态性能和宽度”、“非使用位置”和“高度调整极限”4大部分,其中前2部分任选其一执行,满足要求即可。 1. 头枕高度. 前排外侧头枕在至少一个调整位置的高度不低于800mm,其他外侧头枕在任何调整位置的高度不低于750mm。 为了保证头枕与车顶内饰表面、车窗和车辆结构部件之间留有足够的间隙,对于前排外侧座椅可以 …
Since January 1, 1969, passenger cars have been required by FMVSS No. 202 to have head restraints in the front outboard positions. FMVSS No. 202 also applies to light trucks manufactured after August 31, 1991.
Between the effective date of today's rule and September 1, 2008, manufacturers may comply with FMVSS No. 202 by meeting: (1) all the requirements of the current FMVSS No. 202, (2) the specified requirements of ECE 17, or (3) all the requirements of FMVSS No. 202a. NHTSA has found that ECE 17 is functionally equivalent to the
【法规解读】汽车座椅主动式头枕与FMVSS202a低速后碰试验解 …
2021年9月17日 · 按照FMVSS202a的要求,制造商可以选择对头枕进行全尺寸校核和静态性能试验,也可以选择对头枕进行宽度校核与动态碰撞试验。 但是一般来说制造商们会更偏向于选择前者,因为相对动态碰撞实验,静态实验条件简单,可控性好,实验更容易满足。 FMVSS202a之所以增加后碰实验的选项,主要有两个目的: 首先相对静态实验,动态碰撞实验更能反应实际事故中座椅的表现。 另外更重要的一点是,NHTSA认为主动式头枕(Active Headrestraint)可以最大 …
This Standard applies to MPVs, trucks and buses with a GVWR of 10,000 lbs. (4,536 kg) or less. It specifies dimensional and performance requirements for head restraints. Applicability: Read the Complete Standard. Copyright © NTEA. All rights reserved.
法规解读《FMVSS202a Head restraint》_测试行业动态__汽车测试网
2023年4月7日 · 本期文章简单介绍美标《FMSS202a Head restraint》中的技术要求和试验方法。 一共涉及11项技术要求/试验,可以分为“尺寸和静态性能”、“动态性能和宽度”、“非使用位置” …
Comparison of Head Restraint Regulations FMVSS 202 (Current standard, Final Rule, and ECE 17)
FMVSS 202(a)-2006头枕(2008年9月1日后)Head restraints; Ma
2012年2月10日 · Until September 1, 2008, manufacturers may comply with the standard in this §571.202a, with the standard in §571.202, or with the Euro-pean regulations referenced in S4.3 (a) of §571.202.