eCFR :: 49 CFR 571.205 -- Standard No. 205, Glazing materials.
(a) This standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks designed to carry at least one person, buses, motorcycles, slide-in campers, pickup covers designed to carry persons while in motion and low speed vehicles, and to …
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Glazing Materials
2012年6月21日 · FMVSS No. 205, Glazing materials, specifies performance requirements and test procedures for glazing installed in motor vehicles. The standard specifies performance tests that the glazing must pass and locations in the vehicle where particular types, or “items,” of glazing may be installed.
FMVSS 205: Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Glazing
2004年10月1日 · Glazing standards are regulated by Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 205. From 49 CFR Ch. V (10-1-04 Edition). S1. Scope. This standard specifies requirements for glazing materials for. use in motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment. S2. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to reduce injuries resulting.
49 CFR § 571.205 - Standard No. 205, Glazing materials.
(a) This standard applies to passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks designed to carry at least one person, buses, motorcycles, slide-in campers, pickup covers designed to carry persons while in motion and low speed vehicles, and to …
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Glazing ... - Federal Register
2003年7月25日 · FMVSS No. 205 specifies performance requirements for the types of glazing that may be installed in motor vehicles. It also specifies the vehicle locations in which the various types of glazing may be installed.
DOT认证:机动车安全玻璃的FMVSS 205测试要求
2024年8月1日 · FMVSS 205 标准涵盖了不同类型的机动车安全玻璃,包括前挡风玻璃、侧窗玻璃和后窗玻璃。 该标准的主要目的是确保车辆安全玻璃在各种使用条件下能够提供适当的保护,减少事故中的伤害风险。
This ANSI standard is specifically called out under US law FMVSS 205. The ANSI standard defines the required testing for each Auto Safety level (AS), and glazing manufacturers must self-certify its glazing material meets the appropriate AS level intended for the vehicle’s use.
49 CFR 571.205 - Standard No. 205, Glazing materials. - GovInfo
For Federal Register citations affecting § 571.205 see the List of CFR Sections Affected which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.
It specifies requirements for glazing materials by location, including optical quality, impact strength, penetration resistance, fragmentation, egress, labeling, edge treatments and plastic glazing materials. Applicability: Read the Complete Standard.
车窗玻璃通过E-MARK ECE R43和DOT FMVSS 205认证的安全性能 …
2024年10月10日 · 车窗玻璃通过E-MARK ECE R43和DOT FMVSS 205认证,必须符合严格的安全性能测试要求。 这些标准旨在确保车窗玻璃在车辆正常使用和事故情况下的安全性,保护乘员免受外部伤害和玻璃碎片造成的伤害。