49 CFR 571.209 -- Standard No. 209; Seat belt assemblies.
§ 571.209 Standard No. 209; Seat belt assemblies. S1. Purpose and scope. This standard specifies requirements for seat belt assemblies. S2. Application. This standard applies to seat belt assemblies for use in passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, …
FMVSS 209, Seat Belt Assemblies, specifies requirements for seat belt assemblies used in passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles (MPVs), trucks, and buses. The standard requires that a seat belt assembly shall be designed for …
FMVSS209中文版 - 道客巴巴
2012年8月14日 · 座椅安全带装置是指任何皮带、织带或相似装置,是设计用来减轻发生事故的而把一个人固定在汽车上, 包括设计用来把座椅安全带装置安装在汽车上所有必需的安全带扣、 其他扣件以及所有硬件。 第 209 号标准;座椅安全带装置。号标准;座椅安全带装置。
FMVSS No. 209, Seat Belt Assemblies, was the first standard to become effective, on March 1, 1967. A number of FMVSS became effective for vehicles manufactured on and after January 1, 1968. Subsequently, other FMVSS have been issued. New standards and amendments to existing standards are published in the Federal Register.
FMVSS209中文版 - 百度文库
§ 571.209 第 209 号标准;座椅安全带装置。 s1. 目的和范围。本标准详细说明了座椅安全带装置的要求。 s2.应用。此标准应用在客车、多用客车、卡车和公共汽车的座椅安全带装置上。 s3. 定义。
FMVSS209中文版 - 豆丁网
2012年12月20日 · §571.209第209号标准;座椅安全带装置。 s1.目的和范围。本标准详细说明了座椅安全带装置的要求。 s2.应用。此标准应用在客车、多用客车、卡车和公共汽车的座椅安全带装置上。 s3.定义。
This Standard applies to seat belt assemblies for use in MPVs, trucks and buses. It specifies strength, construction, test and hardware requirements for seat belt assemblies. Applicability: Read the Complete Standard. Registration is open for the 20th annual Work Truck Show. View schedule of sessions and events.
2019年11月25日 · Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 209, “Seat Belt Assembly.”1 The purpose of this test was to determine if the production seat belt assemblies supplied by the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance satisfy the requirements of …
FMVSS 209-联邦机动车安全标准第209号:安全带总成-国家数字标 …
《国家标准化发展纲要》提出建设国家数字标准馆,推动标准化工作向数字化、网络化、智能化转型。 中国标准化研究院正在全力推进国家数字标准馆建设,力争在2026年底建成“一个中心”和“一个平台”,即全球领先的标准数据资源中心,涵盖标准全生命周期的数字化、网络化、智能化研究与 …
FMVSS - 49 CFR 571.209 - Standard No. 209; Seat belt assemblies ...
2022年10月1日 · Purpose. To determine whether a vehicle's seat belt system meets the functional operation and design requirements of: • Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Number 208 (FMVSS 208) • Canada Motor...