49 CFR 571.218 -- Standard No. 218; Motorcycle helmets.
§ 571.218 Standard No. 218; Motorcycle helmets. S1. Scope. This standard establishes minimum performance requirements for helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle users. S2. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to reduce deaths and injuries to motorcyclists and other motor vehicle users resulting from head impacts. S3.
New DOT FMVSS 218 Helmet Safety Standard - webBikeWorld
2011年5月18日 · FMVSS No. 218 includes energy attenuation, penetration resistance, chin strap structural integrity, and labeling requirements for on-road motorcycle helmets. According to NHTSA research published in 2004, wearing a helmet certified as conforming to FMVSS No. 218 reduces the risk of dying in a motorcycle crash by 37 percent.
FMVSS No. 218 establishes minimum performance requirements for helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle users. Each helmet shall meet the following requirements when subjected to conditioning procedures specified in S6.4 and tested in accordance with S7.1, S7.2, and S7.3 of FMVSS No. 218.
Choose the Right Motorcycle Helmet - NHTSA
Make sure your helmet has the DOT symbol on the outside back; this means it meets our Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 218. NHTSA does not approve helmets, or any other motor vehicle equipment, instead relying on a self-certification process.
To help protect the lives of motorcycle riders, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) requires that all motorcycle helmets sold in the United States meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 218. This stan-dard defines minimum levels of performance that helmets must meet to protect the head and brain in a crash.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Motorcycle Helmets
2015年5月21日 · The purpose of FMVSS No. 218 is to reduce fatalities and injuries to motorcyclists resulting from head impacts. FMVSS No. 218 applies to all helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle users.
摩托车头盔DOT认证FMVSS 218标准测试要求? - 知乎专栏
fmvss 218是《联邦法规》中摩托车头盔的安全标准编号。 因此,经过 DOT 认证的头盔(通过头盔背面的 DOT 贴纸识别)应满足发生事故时的预期性能要求。
Traffic Safety Administration’s Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 218, “Motorcycle Helmets” 1 Compliance Program. The purpose of the test was to determine if the production helmets supplied by the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance satisfy the requirements of TP-218-07 2, as governed by the contract. 2. TEST PROCEDURE
49 CFR 571.218 - Standard No. 218; Motorcycle helmets. - GovInfo
Section 571.218 - Standard No. 218; Motorcycle helmets. Official Publications from the U.S. Government Publishing Office.
DOT FMVSS218 的溝通及說明(附上檢驗合格證書) - SOL Helmets
2023年5月26日 · 目前茲因國內銷售競爭大,各廠商在個別的項目上都有優缺點,目前我就我所了解的DOT FMVSS218做一些說明. 1.DOT規定安全帽後方的DOT標示不可撕下,要烤漆的。 2.DOT規定安全帽後方的DOT標示要有固定高度和統一字體大小。 3.DOT規定安全帽內襯的安全警示要不可拆下。 4.DOT規定安全帽可自行檢驗認證,但北美保險公司要求由國際公認的DOT檢驗機構認可後才能保險,如加拿大或美國的DOT檢驗機構,或是台灣商品標準檢驗局出示的國家認 …