FN Herstal’s brand-new 9x19mm FN HiPer ® combines in a single handgun fantastic ergonomics, reliability and safety. Fully designed, developed and manufactured in Belgium by FN Herstal, it brings together the best globally proven solutions and a …
FN HiPer - Wikipedia
The FN HiPer is a semi-automatic striker fired pistol. The weapon is chambered in 9×19mm NATO and fed from a 15-round magazine. The FN HiPer has improved ergonomics for ambidextrous handling and accuracy.
FN Herstal Debuts HiPer 9mm Pistol - Guns.com
2022年6月2日 · Belgian-based FN Herstal this week announced its all-new 9mm NATO handgun pitched to defense and security markets: the FN HiPer.
Welcome - FN HERSTAL
2025年1月6日 · FN Herstal’s brand-new 9x19mm FN HiPer ® combines in a single handgun utmost ergonomics, reliability and safety. In-line mounting of optical sights is made much easier with a long one-piece top rail. The new ultralight machine gun; a belt-fed weapon that handles like a rifle. Be informed about FN product ranges and activities.
FN公司发布FN HiPer手枪 创新操作部分 续写勃朗宁大威力辉煌
2022年6月1日 · 据FN设计师称,HiPer“将全球公认的最佳设计与大量创新的FN专利功能相结合,为军队和执法部门提供符合人体工程学、可靠性和安全性的武器。 ”从名称上看,FN无疑希望这款手枪能够续写勃朗宁大威力手枪(Hi-Power)的辉煌。 首先,采用了刚性金属底盘和全新的发射机构,FN HiPer采用聚合物套筒座将所有组件都固定其中,让它们之间没有间隙,提供良好的防尘防污密封环境。 这样可以让手枪在恶劣环境中,都会保持非常高的可靠性。 其次是人体工程 …
The FN HiPer Pistol – Dedicated To Armed Forces & Law …
2022年5月31日 · Fully designed, developed and manufactured in Belgium, the FN HiPer® combines the best globally proven solutions with a large number of innovative patented FN features to deliver an ergonomic, reliable and safe weapon dedicated to both armed forces and law
FN Herstal’s brand-new 9x19mm FN HiPer® combines in a single handgun utmost ergonomics, reliability and safety. Fully designed, developed and manufactured by FN Herstal, it brings together the best globally proven solutions and a package of innovative patented FN features.
FN HiPer自動手槍 - 火器百科,一个传奇般的轻武器介绍网站。
2024年3月21日 · FN HiPer自動手槍發射9mm巴拉貝魯姆手槍彈,全槍長180mm,槍管長100mm,全槍質量0.73kg,採用雙排單進彈匣供彈,容彈量15+1發,彈匣釋放按鈕為左右對稱設計。
FN Herstal’s brand-new 9x19mm FN HiPer ® combines in a single handgun utmost ergonomics, reliability and safety. Fully designed, developed and manufactured by FN Herstal, it brings together the best globally proven solutions and a package of innovative patented FN features.
轻武器|比利时FN Herstal公司目前最新款手枪你更喜欢哪一款?
2023年4月5日 · FN HiPer®手枪拥有极其舒适的握持感、全新设计弹匣夹具、许多防滑面和固定槽、低孔轴可减少枪口翻转提高设计精准度。 弹匣容量采用15发弹匣可以满足使用需求。 其中弹匣采用了全新设计采用全聚合物弹匣并带有弹量指示,提高了便捷性! 以上就是FN Herstal公司的手枪产品组合的简单介绍,三款手枪均拥有各自不同的特色互相进行了弥补,使FN公司的手枪产品更加的具备竞争力度!