deFNder® Medium - FN HERSTAL
The deFNder ® Medium is the medium weight remote weapon station of FN Herstal RWS family. It can integrate all FN Herstal machine guns up to .50 cal, including the unique FN ® M3R machine gun with high firing rate of 1,100 RPM.
FN® M3M (GAU-21) | FN® Firearms
The FN® M3M (GAU-21) is a .50 caliber (12.7x99mm) single barrel rapid-fire machine gun suitable for rotary-wing aircraft applications providing defensive firepower ranging out to nearly 2000 meters. The FN M3M™ was designated by the U.S. Navy as the GAU-21 in 2004.
deFNder® Medium | FN® Firearms
The deFNder ® Medium can be fitted with many weapon types, including the M249 5.56mm, M240 7.62mm, FN® M2HB, FN® M2HB-QCB, or FN® M3R .50-caliber machine guns and 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher (AGL) on a universal cradle assembly.
Remote Weapon Stations - Army Technology
The deFNder Medium is the medium weight remote weapon station of FN Herstal RWS family. It can integrate all FN Herstal machine guns up to .50 cal, including the unique FN M3R machine gun with a high firing rate of 1,100 RPM. Its modular architecture and capabilities can be tailored to meet various self-defence or collective missions.
FN Herstal’s deFNder
2024年6月17日 · FN Herstal’s deFNder ® Medium remote weapon station can be fitted with FN ® machine guns – including FN Herstal’s exclusive fast firing (1,100 rpm) .50 Cal (12.7x99mm NATO) FN ® M3R -, or 40mm HV AGL.
FN Herstal Exhibits deFNder Medium Remote Weapon Station at …
2024年5月28日 · The deFNder Medium is part of FN Herstal's well-known RWS family and supports a wide range of machine guns up to .50 caliber, including the unique FN M3R machine gun, which boasts an impressive firing rate of 1,100 rounds per minute.
The deFNder® Medium is highly modular, and comes with an extensive range of customer-specific options and accessories to meet today’s operational requirements. It can mount any 7.62mm or .50 cal FN® machine gun, including the exclusive FN® M3R with an exceptionally high rate of fire of 1,100 RPM.
FN Herstal's deFNder Medium weapon station integrates M230LF …
2024年6月26日 · FN Herstal’s deFNder Medium remote weapon station can be fitted with FN machine guns – including FN Herstal’s exclusive fast firing (1,100 rpm) .50 Cal (12.7x99mm NATO) FN M3R -, or 40mm HV AGL.
Belgian Army Pandur armored vehicles now fitted with FN Herstal …
It can integrate all FN Herstal machine guns up to .50 cal, including the unique FN M3R machine gun with high firing rate of 1,100 RPM. Its modular architecture and capabilities can be tailored to meet various self-defense or collective missions.
Sea deFNder - FN HERSTAL
It can integrate all FN Herstal machine guns up to .50 caliber, including the unique FN ® M3R with high firing rate of 1,100 RPM. Specifically dedicated to Naval Forces and Coastguards, the Sea deFNder ® fulfills an extensive range of missions, such as anti-piracy, anti-terrorism, maritime traffic interception, and surveillance of territorial ...