Lake City SS109 (M855) illegal for the PS90 or Five-seveN?
2007年5月12日 · Now the SS109 being listed as a FMJBT and not a FMJTC (Full Metal Jacket Truncated Cone) seems NOT to apply here as the bullet does not have a truncated cone. Now …
RELOADERS - Best way to modify SS109 Bullet for 5.7 | FN Herstal …
2007年5月23日 · FN has the European patent on the SS109 - Lake City Arsenal Plant has the rights to make them- I filed/applied for a U.S. patent for the same bullet design (copper jacket …
FN Herstal, SS109/M855 Velocity Test
2017年2月22日 · FN Herstal, SS109/M855 Velocity Test Jump to Latest 2K views 7 replies 7 participants last post by SONYtec Feb 23, 2017
5.7x28mm Infomation | FN Herstal Firearms
2009年2月26日 · The SS109 is frequently found in civilian-legal M855 loads sold as surplus or contract-overrun ammunition. FN Herstal has stated that the SS190 round will easily penetrate …
WTB: FN FNC Scope and Base | FN Herstal Firearms
2021年9月2日 · Hensoldt 4x24- FN/XXXX Hensoldt 4x28- FN 4x28/XXXX, FN no 4x28/XXXX, or FN/4x28/XXXX - marked either “SS109” or “92” on the side of the top elevation knob (BDC …
Tell me about the SS190 bullet - FN Herstal Firearms
2007年4月13日 · FN designed the NATO standard SS109 in the 70's and later used this same concept (after discontiuning the ss90 round) of a projectile for the 5.7x28mm round, they only …
SS190 in a 556? - FN Herstal Firearms
2013年10月3日 · Both have a steel penetrator under a copper jacket. While the SS109 is exempted from being classified as AP, the SS190 is not. Even if you could get the SS190 up …
New Style Box ZQI SS109 at Wally World | FN Herstal Firearms
2014年11月1日 · It looks like that ZQI had reboxed the white box 5.56mm marked NATO STANAG 4172 to a newly light OD green colored box with bullet weight (62-gr) and the …
SIMPLE reloading for 5.7x28 - FN Herstal Firearms
2007年5月16日 · The SS109 only needs to have the lead removed and replaced with another substance. I have done this and have them available for sale under the "WTS" topic, "NEW …
HOT! ATF Removes SS109 from Armor Piercing Ammunition List
2007年5月21日 · Handloading and Reloading Ammo ...