Ballistic gelatin test results: 5.7x28mm SS195 & SS197 D
2007年5月23日 · Firearm : FN PS90 rifle and FN 5.7 (5.7x28mm) pistol Block calibration : Depths corrected where noted (From 9.4cm @ 587 ft/sec) The SS195 and SS197 cartridges were tested from both a 5.7x28mm rifle and handgun against bare gelatin and heavily-clothed gelatin (4 layers of 14.1 ounce denim fabric) at 10' distance.
SS195LF was discontinued or not? | FN Herstal Firearms
2020年5月20日 · FN segregates commercial and LE products. SS195 is for commercial sales. SS198 is for LE sales, and is so marked. Other than the green tip on 198 and the packaging it is my opinion that they are the same. Same bullet weight and same velocity, at least out of my guns over my chronographs. YMMV.
SS198 VS SS195 - FN Herstal Firearms
2010年5月4日 · As far as which is better, SS198 or SS195, the SS198 has more velocity than the current watered down SS195. They have the exact same bullet and the exact same lead free primer, so in 10-20 years, they won't be worth much. If you are looking for home defense short term, the either works.
SS195LF/SS198LF vs. SS197SR - FN Herstal Firearms
2016年5月31日 · The MKII is slightly beefed up. Sometimes the SS195 is not quite strong enough to fully cycle the slide. Every rare once in a while you may have a FTE or an FTF with SS195 in a MKII. But SS198 is hotter and will work every single time! I have runs thousands of rounds of SS195 through my MKIIs. Like 5000 rounds. I have had a couple of FTEs with ...
9mm vs. 5.7x28 - FN Herstal Firearms
2008年2月23日 · FN ss195 UMC 115gr FMJ Barrier: 2-2x6's Both went thru. 0577a_9mm vs.5.7x28. FN ss197 Corbon 115gr +p JHP Barrier: Cinderblock Both broke and penetrated the barrier. 0579_9mm vs.5.7x28. FN ss195 UMC 115gr FMJ Barrier: Cinderblock Both broke and penetrated the barrier. 0581_9mm vs.5.7x28. FN ss195 UMC 115gr FMJ …
Differences between ammo types: SS195, SS197 etc. - FN Herstal …
2013年11月24日 · Looks like the only ammo type which isnt restricted or discontinued is "commercial" SS195, SS197 and AE5728 (which is the Federal). So we're down to two types, lead free or the sporting round. Hmmm.
Anyone know: Is white box SS195 the same as SS192 but...
2013年4月19日 · SS192 was voluntarily discontinued by FN in 2004 due to heat from the Brady Bunch and other anti-gunners up on the hill. It was NEVER "banned" nor "restricted" as many claim. But, it was thought of as a "cop killing" round being able to penetrate Level IIa Kevlar, and was very popular within the drug cartels, as was the Five-Seven in general.
Ss192, ss198, ss190 | FN Herstal Firearms
2019年2月8日 · If all you can get is the AE (I refuse to shoot it), the SS197 (also reported to have QC issues), or the FN imported SS195 (not the AE SS195). Do a search on the various ammos and you will find plenty of QC threads concerning the AE and Fiocchi SS197 rounds. If you can get SS198, use this ammo as it is stouter than the SS195.
Are their 2 different kinds of SS195? | FN Herstal Firearms
2012年3月2日 · FN has IMO really limited their own market with the pathetic factory ammo support/selection we've seen for their super expensive 5.7mm weapons. Let the masses join me in calling for leaded primer SS192 being put into production again.
ss195 or ss197 | FN Herstal Firearms
2011年12月21日 · FN HP SFS FN Model 1905/1906 ... SS197 in the PS90, SS195 in the Five-seveN in terms of the factory rounds