FN’s Individual Weapon System in .264 USA - The Armourers Bench
2023年3月12日 · The IWS chambers the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC), developed from .264 USA. The 6.5x43mm round uses a steel case, which FN America says reduces weight by 20% compared to equivalent brass.
FN America (FNA) Previews the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber ...
2023年1月16日 · FN America (FNA) is previewing an entirely new weapon system unlike anything you have seen at the 2023 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, called the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) Individual Weapon System (IWS), it has four purpose-built components:
FN美国公司展出单兵武器系统2.2版 .264口径 将交付特种部队测试
2024年10月29日 · 2023年初,FN美国公司(FNA)推出了轻型中口径弹药(LICC)单兵武器系统(IWS)。 从那时起,IWS经历了一些改进,在今年的美国陆军协会(AUSA)年会现场,展出了IWS 2.2版。 本文为“士兵系统”网站发布的介绍文章,本人翻译并编辑给大家分享。 这支步枪是近距离作战型,配备11.5英寸(292mm)长的枪管,配备2.1保险杆(根据用户反馈意见进行了改进)和稍大的拉机柄,以及改进型枪托支架。 操作系统的改进提升了这款卡宾枪的供弹性能。 …
FNA LICC Individual Weapon System - Hunting USA
2023年1月17日 · FN America, in junction with other organizations, has developed the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) Individual Weapon System (IWS). The IWS system was built around the key necessities of the Lightweight ammunition family, an improved performance carbine, a 25-round purpose-built polymer magazine, and a signature suppressor.
POTD: FN America LICC IWS | thefirearmblog.com
2024年11月26日 · The IWS (Individual Weapon System) is an entirely new weapon, distinct from the SCAR family. It uses a long-stroke gas piston operating system, which reduces recoil and places less strain on the internal components.
FN美国公司推出轻型中口径单兵武器系统 美加特种部队的秘密武器
2023年3月21日 · 今年夏天,fna将向美国和加拿大政府交付55支三种配置的licc iws,以及数量有限的突击机枪(licc amg)和数千枚弹药。 各种政府机构和作战单位已经排队准备评估这些先进的武器系统。
Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge Individual Weapon …
2023年4月30日 · It’s called the Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge Individual Weapon System (LICC IWS), and it’s a very interesting suppressed tactical AR-type combat/tactical carbine that utilizes a special 6.5x43mm/.264 (originally called the “.264 USA) round cartridge that was initially developed by the US Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU).
FN's Individual Weapon System in .264 LICC - YouTube
At SHOT Show 2023 we got our first look at the Individual Weapon System, chambered in .264 Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (LICC) - a round developed from .264 USA. Developed by FN...
AUSA 23 – FN LICC IWS Update - Soldier Systems
2023年10月13日 · LICC IWS components: • Lightweight ammunition family • Improved Performance Carbine • 25-round purpose-built, polymer magazine • Signature Suppressor
L’Iws di Fna Usa calibro .264 International - Armi e Tiro
2023年1月17日 · Fn America presenta in anteprima il sistema d’arma Iws – Individual weapon system insieme a una nuova cartuccia “intermedia”, denominata Licc – Lightweight intermediate caliber cartridge, sviluppati per l’Irregular warfare technology support directorate (Iwtsd): uno dei tanti enti federali della difesa americani.
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