飞牛私有云 fnOS
飞牛私有云珍重每一位用户的每一句建言,我们将持续高速迭代,只为打造更安全、高效、更好用的私有云系统。 飞牛私有云 fnOS 基于最新Linux内核深度开发,兼容x86硬件,存储自由,灵活扩容;系统正版免费、无损更新;飞牛影视支持App远程下载解析种子;自动刮削成海报墙、电影准确率99%、自动下载字幕;支持主流硬件智能转码;支持TV端观影;一个飞牛App解决所有事情,简单易用,一家老小一起用飞牛。
12345fnas on Scratch
What I've been doing. Shared Projects (21) View all. Incredibox - Sprunki ver.MEGALOVANIA by 12345fnas; Scratch's Smooth Saturday Final Destnation (Test) by 12345fnas 12345fnas Bio idk and idc by 12345fnas; Monday Scratch Battle' but bobot vs bobot bitmap by 12345fnas; i see fake (FNF Deceiver) by 12345fnas Add yourself fighting …
Game Jolt - Share your creations
Five Nights at Sonic's 3 Reburned is a reimagined version of the very loved and ever popular Five Nights At Sonic's 3. The game is remade from the ground up, with new textures, AI, and even characters. Can you survive against all that lives within the pizzeria? Game Optimization - SmilerFurcifer (awkward!)
- 评论数: 436
Game Jolt - Share your creations
All of the FNaS base games, 1-5. All of the All-Stars builds I could find, If I missed any, message me. Includes all RockClones betas, 2 versions of FNaSWorld, And FNaSTale. Includes a really rare Shimeji of Clone Sonic, made by TheCyVap. Includes the new and old release of the collection. Every build of MM I could find.
- 评论数: 8
你的飞牛NAS性能如何?来跑个分看看吧~ - 攻略分享 飞牛私有云 …
2024年12月25日 · 现在电脑有跑分排行榜,手机有跑分,服务器也有跑分,有的nas也有跑分,但飞牛还没有,那就手搓一个飞牛的跑分排行榜。 echo "检测到非 Debian 系统。 该脚本仅支持在 Debian 系统上运行。 exit 1. echo "检测到非交互式环境。 该脚本仅支持通过命令行运行。 exit 1. if [[ -f /etc/machine-id ]]; then. cat /etc/machine-id. else. cpu_info=$(lscpu | grep -m 1 "Model name" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | xargs) memory_info=$(free -h | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $2}')
系统备份怎么搞? - 问答互助 飞牛私有云论坛 fnOS
2024年12月17日 · 想请教一下怎么把这个系统盘备份出来,到外置U盘,或者远程挂载的云盘上,什么时候崩了,换个硬盘可以快速恢复,有大佬懂的么。 系统备份怎么搞? 飞牛私有云论坛 fnOS.
飞牛影视请支持strm - 建议反馈 飞牛私有云论坛 fnOS
2024年9月19日 · 使用.strm 文件的主要目的是为了减少媒体服务器对原始存储位置的直接访问次数,从而减少因为频繁访问导致的风控问题, 同时提高刮削速度和减少带宽资源占用,还有CPU性能占用。 这种资源定位描述已经带了资源的名称, 完全满足刮削媒体所需信息, 本身文件可能也只有KB级大小, 所以读取和加载会非常高效, 这样即使媒体服务器软件需要频繁地访问媒体文件,也不会直接影响到原始存储位置,从而降低了触发风控的风险, 并且可以极大的提升媒体库建立的体 …
快速上手 | flyme 云文档 - flymeyun.com
当前支持单个文件系统的存储空间和文件数的监控,存储空间包括通用型NAS的数据量,不包括回收站和低频介质数量。 支持通过时间范围查询。 1.1)存储空间. 1.2)文件数(个)
My fnas drawings 12345 with colour - YouTube
2019年11月2日 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...
Game Jolt - Share your creations
A collection with the 1.0 releases Five Nights at Sonic's 1-5 and FNaS 4 Halloween Edition, as well as RockClones Beta 11-F for everyone to enjoy! If you want to use the assets within FNaS 1-5 for your own projects, please credit TheCyVap on both the game page and within the game.
- 评论数: 186
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