SMW Mario as BF - 2024 REMASTER [Friday Night Funkin'] [Mods] …
A Friday Night Funkin' (FNF) Mod in the Boyfriend category, submitted by sladKolTF.
SMW Small Mario over Boyfriend (Week 6) - GameBanana
Play as Mario in the Super Mario World Style!... A Friday Night Funkin' (FNF) Mod in the Boyfriend category, submitted by DMBros
FNF vs Super Mario Bros (Funk Mix DX) - Play Rhythm Game Online - KBH Games
Updated to Version 2 (MX) with a lot of new songs and cutscenes. A lot of new characters join the rap-battle. This mod is very faithful to original Super Mario Bros in term of graphic and music. It’ll give you the Mario groove. Listen to the songs on the official Composer’s YouTube Channel.
FNF vs SMW: Power Star Melody - Play Rhythm Game Online
FNF vs SMW: Power Star Melody A Friday Night Funkin mod that lets you step into Super Mario World with characters like Mario and Yoshi. Imagine having a rap battle in Mario’s world, complete with all the colorful background and familiar tunes!
Friday Night World (SMW style) - GameBanana
A Friday Night Funkin' (FNF) Mod in the Executables category, submitted by LinkstormZ.
Friday Night Funkin vs Meowser - Play Rhythm Game Online - KBH Games
A mod of Friday Night Funkin where BF enter the Super Mario World to sing and dance battle against Meowser singing the song Medley. One song Medley but there are 3 different characters that appears throughout the 5 min long song.
Mario SMW is here! | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom
Mario SMW is here! is a reskin mod that makes the whole game have the same art style as Super Mario World, while also having remixes and covers of other songs made to fit the 16-bit style.
Game Jolt - Share your creations
2025年1月25日 · 🎮 They're find Mario and while resting, their boyfriend comes and recommends a rap battle, and Mario and his party have a rap battle for fun! That new update have: -Corrections to several...
Mario's Monday Night Massacre | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom
So the force kills Peach and possessing her body to torment Mario as he tries to find out what happened to her. The SMW hack is called "Coronation Day" or " 'The" and is considered for most people one of the best Mario creepypastas of its time or even today with its multiple endings and general amazing gameplay and lore.
Super Mario Bros. Funk Mix DX | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom
Mario & Luigi step in, as GF peeks behind the rubble and Hammer Bros (and the Blaster Bro from Koopa Armada) jump in. BF walks in enjoying his airpods (from cutscene 1) until he turns and sees whats going on. BF looks at the camera, and cue SMW fade-in. Repeat after the fade-in.