ACV-S Tracked Armoured Combat Vehicle - Army Technology
2004年6月3日 · FNSS Savunma Sistemleri AS, based in Ankara, Turkey, has completed the development of a new tracked armoured combat vehicle, Armoured Combat Vehicle – Stretched (ACV-S), under a private venture funding programme. ACV-S was previously called ACV New Generation (ACV-NG).
FNSS ACV-19 - Wikipedia
The ACV-19 is an infantry fighting vehicle currently offered by FNSS Defence Systems of Turkey. The vehicle was previously known as the Armoured Combat Vehicle — Stretched. The ACV-19 is a further development of the ACV-15, which is developed from the M113 series of armoured personnel carriers built by United Defense of the United States.
FNSS ACV-15 - Wikipedia
FNSS developed the ACV-15 based on the AIFV to meet the Turkish Land Forces Command's (TLFC's) operational requirement. The first production vehicles were delivered in 1992. The basic AIFV has a one-person power-operated turret armed with a …
The ACV-19 (Armoured Combat Vehicle) is the general name for 15-19 ton weight class, modern high performance vehicles derived from the highly successful FNSS ACV. These vehicles have proven themselves with numerous armies worldwide.
FNSS Defence Systems - Wikipedia
FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. (English: FNSS Defence Systems A.Ş.) is a Turkish defense manufacturer founded in 1988. It is owned 51% by Nurol Holding of Turkey and 49% by British–American firm BAE Systems Inc., and operates facilities located in Gölbaşı, Ankara.
ACV-S - mdc.idv.tw
除了FNSS之外,土耳其Nurol集團以及聯合防衛也參與了ACV-S的研發。 第一代ACV擁有五對承載輪,配備一座25mm單人機砲塔。 配備Thales SWARM遙控機槍塔的ACV-S裝甲運兵型。
ACV-300S - Army Guide
ACV-S is a stretched version of the FNSS ACV which is in service with the Turkish Land Forces, the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia and has been ordered by Jordan. The ACV has been deployed in Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo with Turkish Land Forces in support of UN peacekeeping operations.
FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. - Army Technology
FNSS’ ACV-15 is a low silhouette, lightweight armoured vehicle suitable for high-speed military operations on desert conditions, poor infrastructure, and roads. ACV-19 is the name given to a class of 15-19 tonne, modern high-performance vehicles …
ACV-SW步兵战车 - 百度百科
ACV-SW步兵战车是 土耳其 一款改进型的步兵 战车,在中东地区市场广大。 在第七届阿布扎比国际防务展上,土耳其FNSS防御系统公司展出的新型步兵战车让人觉得既熟悉又新鲜。 熟悉的是,这辆步兵战车的底盘是FNSS防御系统公司原先的ACV-S装甲车底盘,新鲜的是:车上的炮塔却换成了大名鼎鼎的 BMP-3步兵战车 的炮塔。 这二者有机的结合,便成了土耳其的ACV-SW步兵战车。 ACV-SW步兵战车完全采用 北约 制式标准设计,具有可靠性高、通用性好、成本低和易 …
M113装甲车的土耳其后代,ACV-S步战车 - 百家号
2021年9月15日 · ACV-S并不是直接以M113装甲车发展而来,它的前一代是土耳其FNSS ACV-15装甲车为基础进行研发,ACV-15则是以美国AIFV(先进装甲步兵战车)发展而来,AIFV的前辈才是正儿八经的M113A1装甲车,这样算下来的话ACV-S简直就是M113的曾孙。 在上世纪90年代初,按照土耳其陆军司令部的要求设计建造了ACV-15装甲车,它拥有与M113相似的车体,动力为一台300马力的底特律6V-53T柴油发动机,5对负重轮采用扭杆悬挂,装甲车具备两栖能力, …
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