Fallout 2 - Wikipedia
Fallout 2 (also known as Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game) is a 1998 role-playing video game developed by Black Isle Studios and published by Interplay Productions. It is a …
Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game on Steam
Fallout® 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed game that took RPG'ing out of the dungeons and into a dynamic, apocalyptic retro-future. It's been 80 long years since your ancestors trod …
Fallout 2 | Fallout Wiki - Fandom
Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is the sequel to the original Fallout. Released in the fall of 1998, Note exclusively for PC, it was developed by Black Isle Studios which, before the …
Fallout 2 Nexus - Mods and community
Play as the Prisoner in the biggest Fallout game ever.Important: - The game is still years away from being finished unless our programming team grows. Contact us if you want to help- Main …
辐射2 | Fallout中文維基 | Fandom
《辐射2》(英文: Fallout 2: A Post-Nuclear Role Playing Game;台湾译名: 異塵餘生2)是1998年9月30号发行的个人计算机游戏,由 黑岛工作室 开发, 互动娛樂 发行。 该作是1997 …
Buy Fallout 2 | Xbox
Fallout® 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed game that took RPG'ing out of the dungeons and into a dynamic, apocalyptic retro-future. Mastering your character's skills and traits for …
Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game - Epic Games Store
Fallout® 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed game that took RPG'ing out of the dungeons and into a dynamic, apocalyptic retro-future. Mastering your character's skills and traits for …
Fallout 2 - A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game (USA)
2018年9月11日 · With courage and determination the proclaimed Chosen One leaves to save his village, unaware of the consequences his actions will carry. The sequel to Fallout starts eighty …
Fallout | Bethesda.net
It's been 80 long years since your ancestors trod across the wastelands. As you search for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit to save your primitive village, your path is strewn with crippling …
Fallout 2 - My Abandonware
Fallout 2 (aka 異塵餘生2, 辐射2, FO2), a really nice role-playing (rpg) game sold in 1998 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Also available on Mac, time to play a post …