Fallout 4 Double Cursor Fix - F4SE Plugin - Nexus Mods
2021年7月24日 · An F4SE plugin that fixes the double cursor error that may appear in the game. The right of interpretation belongs to the original author. Thanks to Nucleoprotein for creating Double Cursor Fix for Skyrim LE. At any time, the right of reputation for works should belong to him. I don't know if you have encountered this problem.
[FIXED] No cursor on main menu? :: Fallout 4 General Discussions
2015年11月9日 · So I just started the game and l can't do anything on the main menu because there's no cursor. (No, I don't have any controller plugged, I never have used any gamepad with my PC) EDIT: I just found the solution for it, went to User>My Documents>My Games>Fallout4 Looked for a .ini called Fallout4Prefs and changed the gamepadEnable from 1 to 0
Fallout 4 No Mouse Cursor or keyboard control in main menu
2015年11月9日 · Go to task manager and if it's there disabled it, restart the computer. Your keyboard and mouse should now work without issue. Originally posted by Tasty Mushroom: use the controller to go into settings and turn off the controller, ... Settings> Gameplay> Controller -> OFF then press START to confirm the change. GTG.
Animated Mouse Cursor - Br0k3Nneon at Fallout 4 Nexus
2016年4月30日 · BrokenNeon Mouse Cursor build for Ultimate Fallout 4 Mod Compilation [Neon Wasteland Edition]
RAW INPUT - The Ultimate Mouse Sensitivity Fix - Nexus Mods
2017年9月26日 · These are my settings and experience when it comes to general game performance. You should always cap your fps in Fallout 4. From my testing i can only get a maximum output of 120 fps from Creation Engine, above that messes with gamespeed, speech timings, lipsync and physics. I cap my fps at 120 through, ENB even though i'm …
Windows mouse cursor issue? :: Fallout 4 General Discussions
2015年11月10日 · My windows cursor appears in game randomly. Any ideas how to fix this?
[SOLVED] FO4, Mouse/Keyboard/Gamepad cannot be used in the …
2024年6月4日 · Before the F4 update I was able to successfully start and play F4 in offline mode. Then I started the Steam update, which involved countless updates to my mods. Mods and game are now fine, BUT... A new game can be successfully made to run.
Why is my mouse cursor missing when playing Fallout 4 on PC?
If you experience an issue with your mouse cursor disappearing when playing Fallout 4, it is likely due to a gamepad being plugged into the computer when the game was initially launched. To resolve this issue, please exit the game, unplug the gamepad, and launch it again.
Cursor not showing up in main menu : r/fo4 - Reddit
2021年7月3日 · I can just open the console and then a cursor appears too but nothing else. I have tried restarting steam and my computer. Every post on this problem just focuses on the controller being plugged in, but that's not my problem.
Windows Cursor stuck when Fallout 4 is open. : r/Fallout4_PC - Reddit
2023年1月2日 · Whenever I open fallout 4 on steam, my windows cursor is stuck in a box on the screen it can't leave. Whenever I try to push it past it, the cursor snaps back to it. Is there a fix?