FOREO LUNA™ 4 | Smart Facial Cleansing Device
LUNA TM 4 uses T-Sonic TM pulsations and velvety-soft silicone touchpoints to remove impurities trapped deep within pores. It is clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt, oil, and makeup …
FOREO LUNA™ 3 | Facial Cleansing Device | 99.5% Cleaner Skin
LUNA™ 3 removes up to 99.5% of dirt, oil and makeup residue – making it much more effective than cleansing by hands alone. The T-Sonic™ pulsations temporarily dilate pores to remove …
FOREO LUNA™ 4 | Smart ansiktsrengöring och uppstramning
LUNA TM 4 är tillverkad av ultrahygieniskt och bakterieresistent silikon som minimerar akneproblem. Den ger också en skonsam exfoliering som avlägsnar döda hudceller så att …
FOREO LUNA™ 3 plus – Thermo-cleansing & Microcurrent
LUNA TM 3 plus puts the power of beauty into your hands. It’s the only beauty-tech in the world that features thermo-cleansing and targeted microcurrent in one device. The ultra-soft silicone …
FOREO LUNA™ 4 plus | Red LED Cleansing & Microcurrent
FOREO LUNA™ 4 plus is the only facial cleansing device with clinical-grade anti-aging treatments that removes 99% of dirt, oil & makeup residue.
FOREO LUNA™ 4 | 智能淨透緊緻潔面儀
LUNA TM 4 的T-Sonic TM 脈動和如天鵝絨般柔軟的矽膠觸點,可清除毛孔裡的雜質。經臨床測試,它可以有效去除99%的面部污垢,油脂和化妝品殘留,衛生性更是尼龍刷毛的35倍。
FOREO LUNA™ 4 | 智能净透紧致洁面仪
foreo luna™ 4 提供温和、常规和深层3种清洁模式和紧致按摩程序。 可有效去除高达 99% 的污垢、油脂和化妆品残留物。
FOREO LUNA™ 4 go | Travel-Friendly Facial Cleansing Massager
LUNA TM 4 go uses T-Sonic TM pulsations and velvety-soft silicone touchpoints to remove impurities trapped deep within pores. It is clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt, oil, and …
FOREO LUNA™ 3 | Ansiktsborste | 99,5% renare hud
LUNA TM 3 hjälper de aktiva ingredienserna i dina krämer, serum och masker att tränga djupare ner i huden, där de har störst verkan. 98% av användarna uppger att hudvårdsprodukter …
FOREO LUNA™ 3 | Yüz Temizleme Cihazı | %99,5 Daha Temiz Cilt
FOREO LUNA™ 3, cildinizi temizlemenin en hijyenik yolunu sunar. Yüzünüze masaj yaparken yağ ve kiri %99,5 oranında temizleyen ikonik bir cihazdır.