FOREO LUNA™ 3 | Facial Cleansing Device | 99.5% Cleaner Skin
LUNA™ 3 removes up to 99.5% of dirt, oil and makeup residue – making it much more effective than cleansing by hands alone. The T-Sonic™ pulsations temporarily dilate pores to remove impurities deep within – reducing chances of a breakout, and leaving you fresh-faced.
FOREO LUNA™ 3 plus – Thermo-cleansing & Microcurrent
LUNA TM 3 plus puts the power of beauty into your hands. It’s the only beauty-tech in the world that features thermo-cleansing and targeted microcurrent in one device. The ultra-soft silicone touchpoints remove 99.5% of impurities, and are 35x more hygienic than nylon brushes.
FOREO Luna 3 Facial Cleansing Brush | Anti Aging Face Massager ...
LUNA 3 is an ultimate 2-in-1 fusion of cleansing and firming massage bringing pro-level results into your everyday routine. Blasting away dirt, oil, and makeup residue, it also offers app-guided routines to tackle those visible signs of aging.
FOREO LUNA™ 3 | 淨透舒緩潔面儀 | 肌膚清潔度提升99.5%
根據您的皮膚類型選擇LUNA TM 3:正常肌膚、混合肌膚或敏感肌膚。在FOREO app中,通過選擇強度和有針對性的緊緻按摩程序,可以進一步打造個性化護膚。
Foreo洗面機比較+9款人氣型號分別!真的好用嗎?Foreo LUNA …
2025年1月8日 · Foreo LUNA™ 4 與 Foreo LUNA™ 3 相比,在技術和設計上有所升級。 LUNA™ 3 採用 T-Sonic™ 脈動技術,提供高效的深層清潔和低頻按摩功能,能去除 99.5% 的污垢及油脂,同時放鬆肌膚,單次充電可使用 650 次。
FOREO LUNA 3 Facial Cleansing & Firming Massage Device
Transforming from a silky cream into delicate micro-bubbles, LUNA™ Micro-Foam Cleanser 2.0 gently washes away deep seated impurities from the face and neck - refreshing and prepping your skin for the day or night ahead.
FOREO - amazon.com
FOREO Luna 3 Facial Cleansing Brush | Anti Aging Face Massager | Enhances Absorption of Facial Skin Care Products | for Clean & Healthy Face Care | Simple & Easy | Waterproof
FOREO Luna 3 Plus Silicone, Facial Cleansing Brush, Face …
LUNA 3 plus is an at-home facial cleansing, and toning device for deep yet gentle facials, revealing fresh, plump, and youthful skin with every use. Gently purifying the skin with thermo-therapy, soft silicone touchpoints, and soothing T-Sonic pulsations, LUNA 3 plus melts away pore-clogging sebum and makeup residue while keeping moisture ...
Foreo Luna 洗臉機比較!Luna 3、mini 3、Go、fofo、Play Plus 2
2022年8月11日 · Luna 3 是Foreo 主推的經典款機型,同時也是Luna 洗臉機系列銷量最好的一台,其機身正面是矽膠軟刷,背面則有用於按摩的波浪紋路。 這款共有三種顏色可以選擇,且不同顏色機身上的矽膠軟刷略有差異,適合不同肌膚敏感度的人,其中 粉紅適合正常膚質 , 紫色 ...
Foreo LUNA 3 / LUNA3 淨透舒緩潔面儀 洗臉機 原廠公司貨 兩年 …
柔軟矽膠刷毛不易滋生細菌,比尼龍刷衛生35倍,是有史以來最溫和、最衛生的洗臉機。 16檔強度,符合人體工程學的輕質設計,智能App護膚。 很好用,感覺臉部洗的更乾淨了,以前用手洗臉整天下來往往中午就感覺臉油油的,尤其是還有戴口罩,自從用了以後,很明顯到下午臉都沒有油! ... ※本產品為美國原廠公司貨,保證正品,購買後可至FOREO官網/APP註冊享保固。 ※本產品由FOREO原廠提供維修保固。 ※由於長途運輸,商品外盒有微裂或者產品標籤微汙損/微 …