If you have paid an NHS dental charge you must receive a receipt, either an NHS receipt form FP64 or another receipt which shows the amount of the NHS charge and the date you paid it.
Get help with dental costs - NHS
Ask your dentist for the NHS receipt form FP64, or a receipt that shows the total NHS charge and the date you paid. You'll also need the HC5 refund claim form , on which you'll need to explain why you're claiming a refund.
How do I claim a refund of NHS dental charges?
If you paid for NHS treatment before finding out you were entitled, you may be able to claim a refund. Refunds must be claimed within 3 months of the date you made payment. To apply, download, print and return an HC5 refund form with your original receipt.
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大家可以登录NHS的官网(网站: https://www. nhs.uk/ )或苏格兰NHS的官网(网站: https://www. scot.nhs.uk/ )搜索你附近的牙科诊所。搜索结果中,会告诉你这家牙医诊所是否接受NHS病人。
How do I apply for a refund of NHS health costs I’ve already paid?
Refunds must be claimed within 3 months of the date you made payment. Download, print and return the relevant form: You can also order a form online and we'll post it to you. The HC5 (W) form cannot be ordered online. You must call 0300 330 1343 and we'll post the form to you.
If you’re not sure whether you’re entitled to free NHS dental treatment (or you're waiting to find out) you should pay the charges and ask for the NHS receipt form FP64, or a receipt that shows the total NHS charge and the date you paid.
NASUWT | Pregnancy and Free Prescriptions (England)
If you are pregnant or a new mother, you are eligible for free NHS prescriptions and NHS dental care, check-ups and treatment, during pregnancy and for 12 months after giving birth provided you have the relevant Maternity Exemption Certificate (MATEX).
为什么国内的显卡(加速卡)芯片很少提供FP64精度? - 知乎
FP64是超算科学计算用的,主要应用领域是科学计算,流体计算,有限元分析等领域。 AI方面训练和推理,大趋势和主流算法都在努力降低数据精度。 目前训练模型的主流是FP32+FP16混合精度,推理正在压缩到FP8,INT8的数据长度。 “会不会对将来的AI4Science相关的领域发展产生影响吗? 不会,因为你只要有公司机构能开出一万片以上的采购大单,资本可以立刻专人VVVVIP服务给你流片。 这叫有钱能使鬼推磨,现在的问题就是——没FP64需求——>没钱没资金——> …
Nvidia GPU的浮点计算能力(FP64/FP32/FP16) - CSDN博客
2023年6月19日 · 以两者中性能更好的K2来看,使用了2颗Kepler GK104 的GPU芯片,每个GK104的GPU内含1536个FP32 CUDA Core和64个FP64 Units (24:1) 单精度浮点数 理论峰值 = 2 GPU * 1536 FP32 Core * 2 * 745MHz = 4.58TFlops
If you have paid an NHS dental charge you must receive a receipt, either an NHS receipt form FP64 or another receipt which shows the amount of the NHS charge and the date you paid it. To claim a refund you must complete this form and include all original receipts.