SikaFix® HH Hydrophilic | Polyurethane Grouts
SikaFix® HH Hydrophilic is a nonflammable hydrophilic polyurethane resin designed to form a flexible gasket or plug joints and cracks in concrete from water infiltration. In its uncured form, SikaFix® HH Hydrophilic is a pale yellow liquid.
SikaFix HH+ is a hydrophobic, expanding, polyurethane, chemical …
SikaFix® HH+ is a hydrophobic polyurethane foam grout that, when used with accelerator, is designed to stop water infiltration and fill voids outside a structure or joint and cracks in concrete structures. It may also be used in applications with high pressure flowing water. 5 gal. metal pail.
VEHICLE SYSTEMS: Hand-held Under Vehicle Inspection Camera
IRD’s FLEX-HH-300 hand-held under-vehicle surveillance camera kit has been designed as a lightweight, low-power, portable system for simple set-up and operations.
Comm Port Flex HH-300 Handheld UVIS - techmondial.com
The Flex HH-300 system is ready for deployment in under 2 minutes, delivering exceptional performance in diverse environmental conditions. Its robust design and versatile functionality make it the gold standard for under-vehicle inspection, outpacing traditional mirrors and other manual inspection tools.
Portable Flex HH-300
The Flex HH-300 supports up to 256 SD storage and includes a one-button patented sunshade for outdoor use - critical for operational effectiveness in high-sunlight regions. The LCD brightness can be adjusted with side panel buttons.
FPEX will enable warfighters to perform demolition tactics, techniques and procedures under all-weather/environmental conditions. The annual demand for M112 C-4 demolition block is estimated to...
Commport - FCC Technology
Comm Port’s FLEX-HH-300 handheld under vehicle surveillance camera kit has been designed as a lightweight, low power, portable system for simple setup and operations. The kit is perfect for perimeter security, observation posts, dead space monitoring, patrol line monitoring, border crossings, vehicle entry points, or tactical operations entry ...
Products - HH Wood Fiber
HH Wood Fiber FLEX is the highest performing spray on Hydraulic Erosion Control Product (HECP) in the HH Wood Fiber Lineup. HH Wood Fiber FLEX has a dual control system that forms and ionic bond to the soil and a mechanical bond with the matrix of the Fibers.
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🏆 A FPEX convida você para mostrar seu talento e viver a emoção do xadrez! 🗓️ Quando? 22 e 23 de fevereiro 📍 Onde? Colégio Santa Emília do Cordeiro ⏰ Que horas? 9h 🔥 Inscrições: 1º Lote: Corra e garanta sua vaga com preço imperdível! 2º Lote: A partir de 12/02, R$120,00.