VelociDrone FPV Racing Simulator - RC Groups
2016年6月24日 · VelociDrone is a new FPV racing sim that uses real world models you can fly in a variety of custom race tracks with gates and obstacles just like in real life. It features 4 customizable sceneries and 7 drones.
FPVWRA Spec Race Wing - Open source airplane - RC Groups
2017年1月17日 · 2.Where can I find information on the FPV Fixed wing racing association ? I need to know where my closest chapter is or if I can get involved and start a chapter in my area. 3. I assume you have a Build video coming on this ? knowing of you , I would say its uploading now! LOL Thanks for your time and consideration and God bless,
Walkera F210 FPV Race Quad - Review - RC Groups
2016年5月5日 · It features the new F3 flight board. I didn't touch anything settings wise. I flew it right out of the box. On the lowest setting (Mode 1) it was tame but could still cover some ground. It was very easy to fly from the start. When I flipped the switch to mode 3 (advanced) it turned into and FPV racing machine! Even other pilots commented how ...
HotProps FPV Racing Simulator - RC Groups
2015年7月24日 · Practice FPV Racing Anytime Maybe you crash too much, or the weather is bad, or you are waiting for some new gear to arrive, but either you want to fly and practice FPV racing, NOW. Well, now you can with the new HotProps FPV Race Simulator. It works on PC, Macs and Linux and there is a downloadable program to get your Taranis radio working as ...
MJX Bugs 6 - Not Your Average Entry Level FPV Racing Quadcopter
2017年8月9日 · MJX Bugs 6 - Entry Level FPV Racing Drone - Full Review - Part 1 (25 min 0 sec) Maiden flight test with the "entry level" MJX Bugs 6 (8) FPV racing quadcopter. It was an unexpectedly good performer.
Leader - 120 120mm FPV Racing Drone - PNP - RC Groups
2017年7月9日 · Leader - 120 is an exceptional drone intended for breathtaking FPV racing. The quadcopter comes with an 80C LiPo battery, which means that it can accelerate to the highest speed instantly. The 3K full carbon fiber chassis and lateral boards are thick enough to cope with considerable impact in case of a crash.
RiteWing Hardcore 44 FPV Race Wing Review - RC Groups
2017年7月7日 · As FPV Wing Racing picks up steam, Chris decided he wanted to build the ultimate racing and freestyle wing. That idea turned into the Hardcore 44, a 44" wingspan purpose built FPV wing that you can race or bash and it has some great design features like stabilizing fins, large component bays, precut spar slots, inline motor mount and so much more.
EasyRaceLapTimer - open source and open hardware FPV racing …
2016年1月7日 · It's a FPV racing lap time tracking system all-in-one solution. The system consists of a host station (basicly a Raspberry PI with 3 sensors) and the IR transponders which your quad will carry around. Current version: v0.4RC1 Current features are: host system for tracking the laps
Kingkong 95GT 95mm FPV Racing Drone - RC Groups
2017年5月15日 · Awesome Q95 95mm FPV Racing Drone With F3 10A Blheli_S 1103-7500KV Motor 5.8G 48CH... Drra: Mini Multirotor Drones: 3: May 12, 2017 03:30 PM: New Product: JJRC JJPRO T1 95mm ARF FPV Racing Drone: fastmax: Micro Multirotor Drones: 11: Feb 22, 2017 03:00 PM: New Product: KINGKONG 260 FPV Racing Drone Plug & Play: TomC: FPV …
FPV Freerider - Quadcopter Racing Simulator - Page 263 - RC
2019年12月6日 · FPV Freerider Recharged Custom Levels Pack Install - MacOS (2 min 47 sec) (It's for an older version of Recharged but it's pretty much the same, now you load all custom levels in the level editor). edit: If you're into racing, Freerider Classic is still worth considering since the track generator will give you millions of track variations at ...