Roland - FR-2b | V-Accordion
The improved Bellows Resistance Regulator on the FR-2b V-Accordion allows you to fine-tune the bellows pressure according to your strength, ability, and personal style — another FR-2b advantage for comfort and playability.
欢迎访问Roland中文网站 - FR-2b | 巴扬型电子手风琴
At almost half the weight of the flagship V-Accordion, the FR-2b is portable and comfortable. Whether you’re a student or a professional musician, at home or on stage, your shoulders and back will love this instrument! Powered by eight standard AA batteries (sold separately), the FR-2b will set you free in any situation.
欢迎访问Roland中文网站 - FR-2 | 键盘型电子手风琴
FR-2系列数码手风琴体现了罗兰物理行为建模科技难以置信的数字优势,提供了真实的音色和世界上最好的手风琴品质,同时明显地从重量上比前辈们轻很多。 这对学生、舞台键盘表演艺术家和经常外出旅行的音乐人来说简直是完美的。 At almost half the weight of the flagship V-Accordion, the FR-2 is portable and comfortable. Whether you’re a student or a professional musician, at home or on stage, your shoulders and back will love this instrument!
Roland 推出轻便系列电手风琴 - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
便携式电源 通过8节标准AA型电池(单独出售),FR-2/FR-2b可以让你在任何情况下自由演奏。 罗兰推荐使用可充电的标准AA型电池来供电和在演出过后进行充电。 演出参数 FR-2/FR-2b通过5个打击垫来为演出增加敲击的乐趣。
欢迎访问Roland中文网站 - 支持 - FR-2b - 用户手册 - Owner's …
Roland软件 最终用户许可协议 本协议为用户(包括自然人及法人)与逻兰(上海)电子有限公司(以下简称Roland)之间订立的协议。 请在下载或安装前认真阅读本协议。如果您不同意本协议条款,请不要下载、安装或使用相关资料。如果您下载、安装或使用了相关资料,则视为您已同意本 …
Roland FR2-B - Reverb
The FR-2b V-Accordion offers the incredible digital advantages of Roland’s Physical Behavior Modeling technology, providing true tone and characteristics of the world’s best accordions, but they are significantly lighter than previous models. Perfect for students, stage keyboard players, and traveling musicians.
Roland FR-2, FR-2b User Manual - ManualMachine.com
The FR-2/FR-2b is an amazingly versatile electronic instrument that can emulate the sounds of a vast array of accordions. The major advantage of the FR-2/FR-2b is that it allows you to change sounds without changing instruments.
The FR-2/FR-2b is an amazingly versatile electronic instrument that can emulate the sounds of a vast array of accordions. The major advantage of the FR-2/FR-2b is that it allows you to change sounds without changing instruments.
The FR-2 or FR-2b is a “Virtual” accordion, which reproduces the sounds of various accordions. Therefore the FR-2 or FR-2b has no real reeds but virtual reeds. Moreover, the FR-2 or FR-2b has 6 additional orchestral sounds, that you can use instead of the traditional accordion sounds.
Roland - FR-2b | V-Accordion
At almost half the weight of the flagship V-Accordion, the FR-2b is portable and comfortable. Whether you’re a student or a professional musician, at home or on stage, your shoulders and back will love this instrument! Powered by eight standard AA batteries (sold separately), the FR-2b will set you free in any situation.